TBC Leveling

You’re misunderstanding what that statement means. The Classic Server Data (as in everyone’s characters, progress, guilds, etc.) gets cloned (one-time, only upon the release of TBC) over to a new server host. That new server host is the new “Classic Server” option. Meanwhile, the old Classic Server progresses over to BC:

I agree. I don’t want BC overriding Classic, and Blizz doesn’t give us our Classic option.

I plan to play both, but I re-explained what I meant.

And my suggestion isn’t trying to screw over any Classic players. I suggest you re-read what I’m actually saying.


OK, point me, where in Classic, I can create a Blood Elf/Draenei? How do I pick up Jewelcrafting? Where are the Guild Banks? I believe those are BC exclusive.

Because they are separate games. You point where I can copy our Classic characters over to Retail. I’ll wait.

I don’t think you fully grasp what I’m actually saying.