TBC is only fun leveling 60-70

WTF are all these low level chars with like thousands of posts? do these guys just troll wow forum at their desk job?

seriously theres like 10 of these dudes all with thousands of posts. and they feel the need to “chime in” on every single thread


When you think any player considers “62” to be high lvl

If you don’t raid or pvp and just like leveling alts, why do you feel like you have to log on every day to do retail’s systems?

It doesn’t get better in wrath - you have all the same stuff to do. Dailies, dungeons, raids.

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why would you ruin it for him with reality :(?

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Everyone thinking Wrath is going to solve everything reminds me of people who think adding a threesome will save their marriage.

They likely started playing during wrath and have a fondness for it - so the “betrayal” when it fails to live up to their expectations is gonna be violent

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I mean even if you enjoy wrath, after you have seen how Lizzard treated Classic as well as TBCC… i have no idea how anyone can have any faith in their version of WotlK classic.

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Everyone thought TBCC would solve everything too for what it’s worth.

For someone who mainly enjoys WoW for raiding, TBCC is an improvement over classic in every way.

Better raids, consume prices are much less, better class balance, class synergy, etc.

Apart from Naxx, the raids in classic are pretty terrible and it’s almost impossible to wipe on anything until Twin Emps. Our guild 1-2 shot every boss in Classic until Patchwerk.

Nightbane took us more attempts than Cthun.

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I like TBCC raids. They are probably the best part of the expansion. I’m mainly subbing for doing the raids with my guild right now because the rest of TBCC has been a disappointment to me, and I wasn’t even expecting much.

However what I meant is that people had a list of what TBCC would fix: PVP would be way better, raid logging would be better due to no world buffs among other things, there is way more to do. Some of us pointed out how the world is smaller, attuning alts is annoying etc, and were shut down by those who said that TBCC would save all.

Oh I remember telling people that vashj/kael would destroy guilds and I was told to shut up tbc was “easy”. Seeing all the “speedclearing naxx in 2hrs” guilds blow on on Vashj shows I was right.

I love tbc, I’m enjoying it a lot more than classic, and probably won’t terribly enjoy wrath because it has a lot of stuff I know I won’t enjoy doing again (naxx, toc, ruby sanctum, the dungeons were a bore, EoE, Sarth hurts my eyes)


What I’ve noticed is that the T5 raids are harder to pug than classic raids so incentives to play alts is much less. I think that is what’s led to raid logging.

In classic, someone could level an alt and run a MC/BWL pug with world buffs and get gear. So I guess that was content, but I’d rather have quality content for my main than mindlessly easy content anyone’s crappy geared alt can run.

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That’s totally fair. Everyone has their preferences on favorite expansion etc and nothing is wrong with that.

My main disappointment with TBCC (ignoring server issues) has been the PVP. It’s just not been good and I’m a huge WoW PVP fan. Almost every PVPer I talk to feels the same about that.

TBCC raiding is good though so I’ll totally agree there.

It just doesn’t fix everything.

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back in the days of vanilla and tbc, the endgame for RPGs was pvp. for me in vanilla, D2, and star wars galaxies thats what you did once you beat the environment. you turned the loot on each other

in tbc classic, you dont take raid loot to pvp, the honor grind is abysmal, and arena has low participation

forum didnt update for months im not 62 lmao. gl on 2000 messages

TBC was an improvement on Classic. In classic, getting anywhere was a pain and the world feeling big was a novelty that ran out quickly when getting anywhere was a lengthy chore. World buffs were garbage, class balance was even worse and PVP was basically non existent.

TBC isn’t perfect, but I don’t want to play ALL THE TIME. I like being able to log off without being miles behind, doing a raid a couple of nights a week and playing something else. I think we’re all past the era of just playing the hell out of one game for years.

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Why is it an all or nothing with game design in this area?

No one said anything about optimized exp per hour, but it is nice to be leveling at a consistant rate.

Vanilla was plagued with horrible leveling rates for some zones. Arathi, desolace, swamp, blasted lands, EPL, winterspring, felwood, silithus, silverpine, and probably more that im blanking on.

The only zones I remember finding fun and leveled at a nice rate was Barrens, tanaris, ungoro, STV, and Hillsbrad. I remember hating 25-33 on every character, and about 45 to 60. Basically 1-25 and whenever I did STV felt good. The rest was pain.

I have yet to feel that for TBCC. From 58 to 70 its nice and consistant. It gets longer per level, but I don’t feel like im slowly chipping away at an exp bar, and spending a full day feeling like I did nothing.

Did you read the comments by the person I was replying to?!

Classic had its lulls, sure. Part of those lulls were due to an increase in required travel without a mount, or with a slow mount (i.e., 30-40 and 50-60 based off my experience.)

I’ll take Vanilla leveling any day over what’s been in retail since Cataclysm.

The comment you replied to said “excellent exp per hour”.

Would quote but im on mobile and quite frankly just don’t care to even try.

Classic was mostly a lull. I hated almost every second of those 2 years. Facebook but as an mmo. Pure social, nothing to do but talk to others and sometimes play a mini game here or there. Go get drunk and slide through MC because the entire raid has 2.3 total mechanics. Go sit in AV queue for 2 hours and fall asleep at my pc waiting.

Yeah, great game. It was TBCC waiting room from day 1 for me.

Weird you bring up cata. Didn’t know we were talking about it. Last I checked, we were comparing vanilla to tbc questing, which is pretty similar except TBC doesn’t make me want to eat a 9mm round the second I log in.

Yet you continued to ramble on.

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Bleezard say Bleezard no your cousin, talk faster.