TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

Whichever way it’s released the people complaining will still throw money at the game.

Blizzard wins in the end.

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obviously if blizzard does anything other than copy everyone’s classic characters with everything over to tbc they will be intentionally setting tbc up improperly. but, judging by how blizzard implements its changes, we have literally a 50/50 chance of blizzard putting in earplugs, smashing their face on the keyboard and hitting “launch” and then not communicating with the community for 2 and a half years

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This is why copies will never work. This person gets it.

No I really think they don’t. Classic has been a great example of how much izzard doesn’t care about any of those population stats

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Because it has very obvious negative side effects and is easily exploitable and on top of that if you want to progress “like you did back in 07” then do that by saying goodbye to Classic and hello to TBC because you didn’t keep a 60 Vanilla character with everything you earned on top of having the same level 60 character with everything you’ve earned continue on through the dark portal.

Everyone always talks about how a fresh start wasn’t how TBC was handled back in 07 while simultaneously asking for character copies even though that also wasn’t done back in 07.

Edit to actually answer your question which is everything I said above in the case I don’t get the option to fresh start servers.

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I’m not sure what the point of this mini rant is. There’s a downside to letting players keep their characters with limited transfers of items/gold?

What exploits do you think there are that simply can’t be fixed or predicted before release?

It’ll be easy to dupe your system.

Copy then trade then copy then trade then copy…and so on.

So they can limit the number of copies per account. Ez fix.

I would be highly surprised if anyone can copy a character more than once anyway it’s not going to be like a PTR

Actually it’s the exact opposite. Classic servers are meant to be museum pieces, snap shots of a time in WoW history. There should not be expansions to it and the servers should be kept separate.

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It’s not about population stats.

Blizzard won’t be able to plot population metrics, ie amount of needed servers, faction balance, etc, based on “copies.”

A copy doesn’t make you choose, therefore there isn’t a sacrifice present from a choice…which can help ensure that the decision is not a capricious one.

How would you expect Blizzard to determine how many servers they need?
How many will be PvE or PvP?
How many are serious of sticking to Classic only, instead of creating insurance?
How many will want Classic only, but become bored later?

and so on and so forth.

Blizzard will do what is cost effective, will retain the most customers, with the lest amount of effort, that additionally removes as much of the guessing game as they can.

Classic ==> TBC.

Option for pure classic that will be a player choice…where you will be responsible for your choice and not them.

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It’s not so much copying multiple of the same character but different characters with multiples of the same one characters items.

And limiting the amount of copies is unfair to everyone who has more characters beyond what ever that limit may be.

The best way to handle copies in my opinion is literally to not allow them at all and just do unlimited one way transfers because either way with limits or not the economy for TBC will be screwed from the getgo.

However if they do decided on doing actual character copies then the best way I see it being handled would be for there to be no cap on items/gold but what you “copy” over gets deleted from your Classic character so you have to choose on what gets brought forward and how much gets left behind.

They’re going to take a blind guess and probably get it wrong just like they did with classic duh. It’s cheaper for them that way and they def don’t care about faction balance either.

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I could get behind that.

I saw this issue coming a mile away when blizzard announced classic wow. I called out for expansion classic servers along side wow classic release for this VERY REASON. People would play on the server that would go to the expansion they wanted to play up too. So they would get that “Authentic” progression from classic and beyond if they never experienced it and wanted to play it through. As well as those that want to go down memory lane as well.

Or just make anything on a copied character bop

Outside of their initial zones no, doing deadmines with a space goat doesn’t make deadmines BC content, sorry.

If you want to play 1-60 play classic, it’s not going anywhere.

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I think he means you didn’t lose your characters or your progress from Vanilla when TBC released.

Not really sure though…

You will be starting over if a tbc comes.

Copying could be problematic for a number of reasons, but 1 in particular would be that it might be difficult to gate how someone might be able to copy gold on characters.

For example, let’s say you are only ever able to copy a character over once. OK, that’s fine. Are you then able to copy other characters over? New characters?

Does gold, in Classic (or any version of WoW) currently have unique identifiers? As an example, if I copy my mage, with 75K gold, then trade my gold with another character (same account or different account), and copy that character over, am I able to virtually print gold for BC?

It’s also sort of weird. We’ve never had an option to copy characters in WoW, except ephemerally, for the PTR.

They do something as simple as locking gold trades on characters you copy, or capping the amount of gold you can transfer to make that less impactful.