With Classic Era servers popping again and the recent Hardcore trend, there has been more and more discussion of Classic+.
For me, personally, the Burning Crusade was my Classic+.
I started mid-TBC. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but, after playing both Classic and Classic TBC when they came out, I realized that TBC expanded upon everything Classic was about but still kept that Classic feel. For me, things start to feel different in WotLK, that’s when everything started to feel modern. That slower, more hardcore and progressive feel started to fade. Besides, it’s my personal opinion that TBC should have always been in the base game. The Blood Elves, Illidan and Outland have huge lore significance and should have been present base game, and the Draenei and how Blizzard expanded on them, for me, fits the idea of Classic+ content.
I have no doubt we will get fresh Classic servers and a Hardcore Classic server, but, I fear that TBC will continue to be the red-headed stepchild; Classic servers will continue to pop and I’m sure WotLK will see a resurgence of players and continue to have a healthy lifespan, however, I feel there is no hope for TBC era servers. I know I’m in the minority when it comes to these Pre-Cata servers, but, regardless, I don’t see the harm in having maybe 3-4 TBC era servers, and, if it does pop off for some reason, maybe having a total of 6-7.
There is always hope for TBC Season of Mastery though. I imagine it would have to last longer, given how some people may want to include vanilla raids / vanilla raids may be included. I would like to see, ideally, a season of mastery server that progresses from Classic to WotLK, but that’s asking for a lot.
Sorry for the ranting. Just a dude who misses TBC and wishes it was the main content again.