TBC era servers / TBC was my personal Classic+

As someone who missed vanilla and tbc the 2nd time around. I would love tbc servers.

Edit sorry for bumping necro


Azeroth >>>>> that rock in space

BC was amazing and offered better gameplay even if it wasn’t better as a whole as vanilla. BC is basically vanilla on a different continent. It isn’t even close to retail so please don’t make such idiotic comparisons.


Like… yes and no, Its different but not actually better. There are improvements but there are things they screwed up big time also, like increasing the range on many instant cast spells to 40 yards and adding dumb stuff like Mass dispel removing my Ice Block.

There are a ton of bad talent design choices that I feel were made to force the player into diving deep into a tree so that they have to take certain talents to compete in PvE / PvP; in turn making bigger trees with more points but less actual options than Vanilla.

Kinda depends on a lot of stuff overall. TBC is a mixed bag… On one hand you are upgraded by paladins (horde) and on the other hand downgraded by the shaman meta (raid).

PvE play options are sorta better because Hunters are actually good but its BM… LOoOOOoOOOOL Blizzard design choices

Tanking is better because Druid and Pala are excellent, but warrior is kinda worse…

Fury warrior is still absurd DPS, and better than basically any other DPS yet again.

PvP is now polluted by Resilience that artificially buffs healing because effective health pools are far bigger than actual health pools. RNG resists on CC is obnoxious AF, because damage is only slightly higher than vanilla but health is like 3X more.


I’d play that.

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Flying mounts was a disgrace

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nah they were dope. tbc was best expac imo and the zones were awesome but some of the terrain awful, ex: blade edge mountains imagine no flying mount. plus it was very chill to be up late listening to music just flying around doing professions. if its thats big of a problem for ppl enable them on pve servers and disable them on pvp servers :slight_smile:


Game should have been designed without them imo. World pvp and the world being alive in general is what makes classic better than anything else they have made to date.


well see thats just the thing alot of ppl hate world pvp thats why we play on pve servers and tbh i dont get the whole world being alive thing running around with ground mounts. in era and hc u barley see anyone. the only time i feel that world is populated and alive is the lvl 1-20 quest zones. after that u may have a handful of ppl per zone and not to mention u could be layered

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100%. Outlands PvP was diving bombing people randomly and flying away. Absolutely moronic. WPvP naturally returned to Azeroth due to that and the only people PvPing in Outlands were gank squads. Garbage idea (at least for PvP servers). TBC was the beginning of Blizz constantly beating WPvP to death with stupid design decisions.

Yet the PvP servers are actually populated.

This is why you’re not seeing people and you’re not seeing people on HC because… people don’t make it.

yea and? i never said they werent. pve servers have been populated since classic re release in 2019 all the way through wrath. the only reason they are not populated in era is b/c the community is just so split between all the content. the pvp servers are the same way now.

yea obv for hc, but u need to remember era servers use to be the classic servers b4 tbc came out and u barley seen anyone around the world. only at brm pretty much for pvp .the rest of the time ppl just sat in cities even in the lvl 30-50 zones sure u can do /who and see atleast 50 ppl but u dont see anyone anywhere.

or camped sm to kill low levels, wow fun!

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I rarely seen anyone after about 40ish on HC. Most people playing hc are just not very good. But it seems like people were having fun though so its all good. HC was a fad that was never going to last especially when they made a Fresh pve server and slapped an HC sticker on it.

I think it will last longer because it is PVE not hardcore to be honest. That was probably a smart move on their part.

PVP is definetly popular and will always be a big thing in wow. Look at the pvp servers they were always packed.

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same with pve if u dont believe me launch wotlk and look at the realms 4 are full 2 pvp and 2 pve. im not saying to get rid of them or anything there just not some ppls cup of tea like me. but we should not get affected by decisions that are meant for ppl who enjoy pvp. so disable them on pvp servers and enable them on pve servers. if there ever is a situation like this

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They’re more populated because more people like WPvP/PvP in Classic/Vanilla contrary to what a handful of vocal forum goers say about WPvP.

Not the case on the Whitemane cluster. I see players everywhere/PvP everywhere I have been. Place is packed and it’s awesome.

Fine by me. They’re cutting off a supply line for the enemy, imo.

No, we want new content in the same exact vain as vanilla. Not really hard to understand.

Same here tbc era plx blizz!

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Warcraft has always had dragons to think they would never tame some for mounts is Ludacris

Flying mounts basically killed WPVP.

I really don’t think you’re in the minority here.

Lots of people would still be playing TBC-era right now if it existed instead of being forced into WOTLK.

Each time a new expansion comes out, it should be a fresh start with potentially the option to clone characters to (from the previous expansion)… but they shouldn’t ‘force’ characters into the new expansion ever. That was the folly of retail’s timeline.


If they added TBC servers I would re-sub.