TBC era please

Blizz, you’ve done the right thing in setting the stage for TBC era with a single server of each type. Please deliver TBC Era for those of us that want to play it forever. To me and many others, TBC is truly the completion of the 1st WoW game in terms of challenge, balance, etc.


it’s a tiny minority of people who like the idea of TBC forever :expressionless: it’s not enough for a permanent server


Remember that time you couldnt even get 40 warm bodies to kill Nightmare Dragons AND you wiped the raid twice on Emeriss? on Whitemane-Era?


you mean the impromptu raid we did DURING THE SUPERBOWL :expressionless:

TBC is fun, but no one wants to play it forever.

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So you’re saying players would rather watch sportsball than raid with you?


Me and a bunch of guildies were banking on the fact we’d get TBC era… hoping that it comes some day so we can spend our time there. TBC was probably the most fun we’ve had.


There are at any given moment several thousand players on TBC p-servers. This number would go up if they were blizz-sanctioned servers and not some random pserver developer.


Only reason I’m playing is for TBC Era. If Blizzard fools me again by forcing my characters through expansions I dislike, I’m done. Cancel sub, and back to the “other” servers we go.


TBC era server and race change paid service. It’s all I need in my life at this point unless of course Blizzard wants to eventually give us a WotLK era server including the change they made to Onyxia (restoring the level 60 version with a toggle) and do the same with Naxxramas. But I am confident that I’ll learn to love gnomes long before that ever happens so here’s to TBC era!


this is false. there’s tons of dead permanent servers with far fewer players on them already.

lol no there isn’t :expressionless:

a permanent TBC era server would be even more dead :expressionless:

let’s see.

Remember all your histrionics about Dual Spec ruining Anniversary Fresh and, like, that totally didnt happen and was never going to happen?

\o/ you sure can call 'em, Eyr \o/


it is ruined :expressionless:

Eyr, I’m going to be honest with you. I like you. I like it when you draw these lines in the sand because everything you like at first, is bad and forgettable. Som, sod, HC. One doesn’t even exist anymore, and no one but the specific subgroup themselves like the other two.

So you hating tbc fills me with a lot of hope, thank you.

Hope you can get 40 people for dragons next time :fist:


how dare you suggest I ever liked SoD :expressionless:

i would do bad things for tbc era


Should just open up TBC servers and transfers to Era now as anniversary is essentially purgatory at this point.