TBC era please

tbc era please blizzard otherwise anniversary is a massive L


blizzard please let us stay in tbc era


we are once again askin for tbc era pls man


mega servers is not the answer…its straight up garbage and if that’s all we get for TBC, I’m not even going to attempt it, as it stands right now in anniversary since they already made a crap ton of changes its basically a waiting room… Dual spec is going to screw some middle of the pack hybrid dps so bad in TBC though

I would love tbc era. It was the best time in wow imo.


My good man this is 5 days late but people said the same exact thing about classic wow back in the day.

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And they were right? That’s why Classic era realms aren’t that popular? The failure of Classic Era realms are the reason we didn’t get TBC era realms lol.

Yes please I have a screenshot from tonight (Anniversary Nightslayer Alliance) and there are like 150+ players all crammed into one layer near the Bank/Auction House.

I bet if we had an ingame polling system, people would vote BC era

TBC fresh pls

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I have the sexiest hooves in all of Azeroth and I approve this message.

I think that’s Blizzard’s biggest problem. They have too much going on with Classic Era, Anniversary Classic, Cata Classic, SOD and Retail. Blizzard has to find a way for players to enjoy each Era with a decent population without the game feeling empty. And without forcing players into the next expansion if they don’t want their character to move forward. As a Classic returning player being at least 10+ years removed from the game, this is the biggest problem I am facing. Finding the right spot for me.

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You should fact check before giving out black and whitr answers.

There are indeed thousands of people on TBC pvt servers as of 2025 . “Thousands” aka plural form of thousand. Could only mean 3k people, which would be true.

However, it is indeed a drop in the bucket in blizzards pov from a financial perspective. So there are some truths and facts to be said on both sides of this discussion.

but you must also take into account that you’re always going to have more people on private servers since they’re free :expressionless: offer those 3k a paid sub TBC era and only 300 are gonna show up

tbc era here reporting for duty!!


Hurry with wrath pls

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this will actually deter alot of people away from private servers. as weve seen with classic era there has been no successful vanilla private servers. this is because blizzard is 100% hosting the best vanilla experience

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Could be, and I can only speak for myself, but if I had the option between a free private server or paying $15 for an official server, I’d fork over the $15 subscription if only because I feel a bit more confident that when I log in tomorrow, the server will still exist. As I understand it, private servers are always at risk of being shut down if Blizzard decides to take action. It’s true that there’s no absolute guarantee that an official server won’t be shut down any moment but I feel a bit more confident about them if nothing else.

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My man classic literally doubled the sub count blizzard released this info some time ago lol


His favourite flavour of icecream? Neopolitan

tbc era pleaseeeeee blizzard just confirm… im tired of asking everyday