Tbc era? 1 more day till launch

You are the master of irrelevancy. Good luck getting it.

u are the master of failing to see the truth

Sure hope it stops at tbc this time, this is the reason im playing here !


What truth? The truth that tbc era is so popular it already launched?

Also you’re argument for tbc era is based entirely on how popular classic era is… but then you say classic era was so dead you didn’t get it. The cognitive dissonance echoing thru your head must be deafening.

ur argument is that tbc is not popular which is honestly just delusional and hailarious. its a fact that there are players not subscribed right now because there is no playable tbc or wrath. classic era was dead because everyone went to play tbc. but eventually the numbers crawled back up and a healthy community established on a 5 year old server.

You are incredible. Let me make this clear again for you.

I never said classic, tbc, or wottlek were not popular. I never said tbc era wouldn’t be popular on launch. I said if it were popular enough to maintain a sustainable unique sub population, you’d have it.

I have no doubt that there are some unique subs out there left to grab. One, two, ten, one thousand, 10k, all irrelevant since you have no proof and blizzard decided its not enough to pay to maintain tbc era indefinitely. I’ve said repeatedly that its about blizz deciding there aren’t enough to install and maintain tbc era indefinitely. Keep in mind your precious $15 monthly sub pays one hour of labor. ONE HOUR. So how many thousands of you are needed across how many months to repay a physical server installation? Maintenance? Have you even thought of this or is it all about you’re “huge” following and what you want filled with “trust me bro, we’re good for the money”?

Yes classic era crawled back up. Further proving that its a split playerbase that would only dilute further with the introduction of tbc era. Proving people don’t want wrath so they went back to classic is not the same as proving they want tbc era.

We could argue “healthy” all day. How many dead servers are there for classic era now? One healthy server out of how many? This is just a strawman though, classic server health is massively irrelevant. Especially when it took years after the launch bubble burst just to find ONE good server lol. So your indisputable truth is minimum investment for 5 years maintenance costs plus installation to MAYBE finally save the game mode. Wild take. How many unique subs are necessary to cover that cost?

You’ve made up a series of opinions i supposedly have that i don’t. And poorly represented yourself using them to boot.

why would classic era growth not make blizz reconsider tbc era this go around? look at this thread brother everyone is in favor of tbc era. they havent shut down classic era thats all the proof i need that a tbc era would be worth sustaining.

Why do you need me to answer the same question repeatedly? Asked and answered probably five times already. UNIQUE SUBS. How hard is it to understand I’m going to answer your question the same way every time?

Do you know what an echo chamber is? If you search for support on the internet you’ll find it, doesn’t actually mean the opinion is relevant. I don’t need to look at a forum that represents 1% of the playerbase to formulate opinions. In fact its the mark of a healthy mind not to go looking for support for your opinions, but instead to engage the opposition. In other words, I’m not desperate for a pat on the back or 1%playerbase forum response. Takes a massive ego to think the forums and your participation on them are relevant to blizzard financial decisions.

You really just refuse to acknowledge its about unique subs and the decision has been made for now. I don’t want to call you a child or developing minor but the illeterate composition of your posts and the non-stop “trust me bro” is truly hilarious.

u literally said last post tbc era would generate unique subs???

Yes. Did you actually read the post? Doesn’t matter if you generate some. If some does not equal enough, you don’t get era. Try reading though, you’re making it hard not to call you a kid.

Not to mention the fact you’ve completely refused to respond to my financial points. Its like you literally believe that if you like something and can point to at least one other that does too, then you deserve it for $15/mo and access to all their other games, even at a profit loss to the company providing the service. Again, getting hard not to call you a child who’s never been in charge of their own finances.

I can see them potentially making it a permanent WotLK server but I’d personally really like to see it stay TBC.


righttttt financially speaking tbc and wotlk was when wow was the most popular according to subscriber counts. and classic era proved that these type of servers work. its gonna be 2 years before tbc goes into wrath again all we are looking for is answears as to whats gonna happen to our characters before we spend our time and money on the game

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we need the option to clone to tbc forever server and wotlk forever server


About what i suspected as a response. Good luck out there. Keep living in the past, kid.

all we want is answears from blizz about whats gonna happen to our characters i dont know whats so hard to understand about that? since the first time classic tbc progressed to wrath weve seen the era servers repopulate themselves and alot of players missing tbc. also saw alot of players quit when cata came out, we just need answears from blizz. also calling me a kid is hailarious coming from a worgen avatar lmfao u wouldnt say that face to face irl buddy


So you just convinced yourself of some irl superiority based on the race of my avatar?

I think you’ve just said everything there is to say about your position with that one hot take. Good luck out there, kid.

lol nerd u mad because era gonna kill retail

Classic never makes it to naxx outside of the few raid loggers

So much this. I want to know if I can go on playing TBC - and preferably TBC HC - forever before I spend as much as one minute playing the charcters I made at launch (nameholders really, but delete and recreate will be possible later).

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there should totally be tbc and wotlk hc but we need era realms first so those toons have a place to go once they die

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