Tbc era? 1 more day till launch

What an odd thing to demand and choose to not play the game over. Are you new to WoW or Blizzard in general? If it continues on beyond TBC, then just stop playing. Done. Simple.

look at ironforge pro… 10k raiders on NA ALONE.
its no secret tbc and wotlk are peak wow. wrath had like 11million subscribed back in 2009.
theres alot of players only subscribed for classic how would leaving up all 3 OG versions not bolster subscribers. this would only deter people away from private servers which have been wotlk and tbc focused forever btw.
end of the day i am only subscribed for vanilla tbc and wotlk i will never play retail again its completely dead to me

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we dont want to stop playing tbc its not that simple

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Unique subs… why do i always have to explain this to you classic kids.

If a sub is not unique to the game mode, its not profit. If its not profit, its not bolstering anything lol.

Blizz loves stringing players along, so don’t expect an announcement any time soon.

I think they’re progressing these fresh servers for one reason: to sell more TBC Deluxe Editions. Also why I think they’ll continue it to Wrath…to sell more Wrath Deluxe Editions.

Whether they’ll split a TBC Era away from the progression ones…I’d say doubtful. But not impossible.

why would there not be tbc and wrath andys subscribing only for those versions? which did happen in the 2019 rerelease btw

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condense some dead vanilla servers to make room for tbc era and boom thousands of happy players

I’m not saying there wouldn’t be some small crowd of people that would resub uniquely for those games.

I’m sayin their aren’t and never have been since classic relaunch enough unique subs to make tbc era profitable.

Stop saying just because you want something and can point to a forum echo chamber to say “look look they all want it too”, that its somehow profitable and worthwhile (and will remain so permanently since you want permanent last phase tbc) to launch/maintain it permanently.

Why would they stop it at TBC when just right around the corner from TBC is Wrath, and with Wrath comes the WoW Token and Microtransactions.

all we are asking for is 4 servers lol, they could take some dead vanilla era servers with no players and just make them tbc and wrath servers and those servers would easily have 10k raiders just like vanilla.l having more options does generate unique subs

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we want to be able to clone to a permanent tbc server and stay in permanent tbc and permanent wrath the same way we can with vanilla


I didn’t need any of this explained. I simply don’t care.

Why you feel the need to go out of your way to explain things to me that I don’t want or need explained, especially from someone like you, is more telling than anything.

Well of course you’re not sure why I brought it up. You’re just gaslighting.

Lol, kk buddy. Great non-response. “I don’t care” three replies in doesn’t really check out. But good luck out there.

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My customer service issues are between me and the company. Why do I care about what a retail Andy like you has to say?

why cant u just stay in retail and stop trying to tear down classic players why does this even concern u?

I too like to stick my fingers in my ears and say “i don’t care” when I’ve got nothing left to say. Good luck out there buddy.

Thank you. I likely will need it.

And there it is, the victim card… “just leave me alone”.

tbc era and wotlk era WILL have thousands of players and WILL generate enough happy players to be worth.

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Nice opinion. Judging by the current reality, it looks like that won’t be happening until you all scream more in these elegant forum posts. Lol. Good luck out there buddy.

Remember, not everyone that disagrees with you is out to get you and your massive group of tbc era fans.