Tbc era? 1 more day till launch

You really have to stop getting your feelings hurt when people disagree with you. He’s simply objecting to your idea that a massive following exists. No need to call him a jerk or tell him to shut his mouth. Hilarious that you do this every time on every post.

Easiest way to say you are wrong without saying you are wrong, whine like a child then tell someone to shut up and stamp your little foot.

“Give me what i want because its the RIGHT AND MORAL thing to do”… i mean are you for real?


^^^ Found the retailer masquerading around as a classic player.

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So its normal for the person hes responding to to say “you’re a jerk… shut your mouth” over a forum disagreement?

Like you’re really backing the man child?

hey now wrath was good tho. just keep tokens and bots away !

The adult whose logic is sound in telling others…

“I might get bored with BC and/or Wrath so it should only exist as a temporary progression server?”


aaaand you could argue that for Vanilla people being on ERA for 5+ years and they somehow magically still have stuff to do and play/enjoy it.


Were not stopping at TBC. This is clearly a progression server thats going through Wrath.

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they actually never closed any of the classic servers only merged them and there is 10000 active raiders there today on 5 year old server. tbc would have similar numbers if not more due to smaller raid sizes.


Read what he was responding to.

About as logical as “trust me, bro tbc era would be different and populated forever”.

they need to let us clone to a permanent tbc era server and continue to wrath. then just end the servers at wrath

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Question we’re all asking is if this will be a repeated 3 year thing with ERA servers attached to TBC/Wrath or if this another FOMO one off hit.

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Doesn’t matter.

If a single person in the world wants a Shadowlands server even if they’re the only one that’s going to play it, from a customer service standpoint…

They’re entitled to and have a right to demand it.

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the difference is vanilla tbc and wotlk is peak wow. and all blizzard has to do is leave up tbc and wotlk servers forever, and also keep cycling thru fresh allowing us to clone our toons to the permanent version of each xpac after the fresh cycles thru it


Lol wild take. Customers are entitled to literally nothing other than services purchased. You pay for the service as stated/as provided. Either pay or don’t.

Under no circumstances is a business required to operate at a loss to produce any product because you pay $15 a month to get access to a different product.

Demand all you want like the person you’re defending. Just maybe don’t act like a man child and call people jerks or tell them to shut their mouth when they disagree and call your precious game mode unpopular.


You’re an expert on customer service now?

Assuming a single Shadowlands server existed, would it really be operating at a loss?

There are dead servers in era as we speak. I don’t see them going out of their way to consolidate them in order to save a few bucks.

I didn’t do any of that.

But you go on and keep gaslighting that I’m doing so.

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Yeah because your retail andy quip was just so hilariously funny you didn’t follow the conversation that led to it. Got it. We can let that go.

I think we both know now that you are not an expert in customer service. Whether i am or not is a poor attempt at a straw man. Don’t need to be to know you don’t blow money on things that don’t have a customer base large enough to be profitable.

Not sure why you brought up shadowlands? No thanks to another straw man.

Maintenance and operational fees are insanely lower than fees accrued during massive data transfer, physical server re-installation and disassembly. So no, after era servers failed to stay popular (hint,hint), “consolodating” them would require additional investment into a dying mode that’s lost its profitability. This is the same reason for the current denial of tbc era. Kind of wild you needed this explained. Bet it felt like mentioning empty era servers was some sort of mic-drop moment.


u literally have a retail profile picture we play different games bro. the classic playerbase is subscribed only for vanilla tbc and wotlk this is fact

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Excellent point. Irrelevant, massively so, but excellent. I am absolutely positive that my retail avatar has no effect on my opinions, or even which game modes i play, but I’m sure they are different as you say. I am also absolutely positive that some of you only sub for those games. Now if all those unique subs actually meant it was worth launching tbc era, you’d actually have tbc era.


there is currently 10k raiders on vanilla era which is a 5 year old server. tbc and wotlk would bring in similar numbers if not more. having the OG best expansions the game has ever had up permanently would only bolster the amount of people subscribing for classic. and gives us the peace of mind that we wont be forced into cata

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Those are some nice opinions.

Where did that 10k active raider number come from? Does it translate to active raiders on tbc era? If so, those aren’t unique subs or new business.

OG best expansions according to whom? According to the group of people so small blizz didn’t give you tbc era?

How would it bolster the amount of unique tbc era subs to have them all? Or are you saying all classic game modes are the same as far as profitability calculations? I can assure you, blizzard does not calculate it this way.

Im sure it would give you peace of mind, though.