TBC Classic World First! - Shaman Main Tanks Full Zul'aman

You can also be a hater and not have to whine on the forums about others having fun.

You obviously have never played a tank, because you’d know a tank of any kind has their actions bars/keybinds ABSOLUTELY full to the brim. And has to resort to the occasional mouse click for rarely/situation used spells.

This isn’t a DPS spec, where your whole rotation can fit in 1 action bar.

Personally, I keep my mouse hovered over defensive cooldowns and combine both key press and mouse click on the off chance I didn’t fully press the key.

I see no case of back peddling in this vid being a detriment and 9/10 it allows you to simultaneously deal threat while retreating to the needed position.

Keyboard turning is fine, there’s no instance of a boss appearing behind you. How about pointing out something that could help threat/survival? instead of pointing out something that is obviously caused by being nervous/overwhelmed or just simply not relevant.

Example: cast Lightning Bolt if you need to keep a distance from the boss for a few seconds for extra threat or rank1 Lightning Bolts to proc Elemental Focus.

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And who cares, if that was your play style and still works, especially for you, who cares

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand if you werent already being dismissed, at this point you should be.


It isnt. Its so painfully slow that I dont understand how anyone willingly leaves it bound.

Lots of bosses - especially ones with big hit boxes - will take a step back if you stand in the middle of the hit box. Void reaver once when he knocked me back and went onto the other tank did the back step and shot into the raid and smacked the other tank from behind. So I would say that there are absolutely situations that things will appear behind you and the only reason you dont believe so is because you’re ignorant of tanking mechanics. Bloodboil is another example of fat hit box with a knockback that resets threat - though never had him go on a marathon like void reaver. Fire eles on illidan I have had run through me because of the backstep mechanic.

Brutalus is probably another boss that if something unexpected happens boss movement may become a problem. If I were to die and the boss is about to meteor slash then our prot would need to move into my group to not refresh stacks on his group. Running through the boss could make him back step and keyboard turning is going to put an even tighter timing on the movement - though I believe our plan is to use an engineering dummy + BoP if something goes amiss.

Keyboard turning is bad. If you’re a tank you should under no circumstances be doing it. There is no argument for it being good. There is no argument for using it. The argument for using it is laziness. It takes under a minute to change keybinds and put strafe in place of turn left and right.

I think he might actually be done. :rofl:

Oh no! I liked that he would look at the logs and analyze on a deeper level. Hopefully, he comes back at some point!

I don’t think anyone is saying that it’s good. Just that it’s not relevant to the content above. Could things have been done better, of course!

You do you. If it makes you happy then who cares what youre doing. If everyone is happy to join along for the ride then its a plus. People foaming at the mouth over shaman tanking is super weird. Sure keyboard turning is bad, but shaman tanking isnt great either so my expectations are very whelmed to start off with.

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man running with a shaman tank sounds like an horrible time

I dunno, everyone said that they had fun plus they got loot, so :man_shrugging:

I made a video of me reviewing the ZA run, I provide feedback. (EDIT: 2:32 meant to say: “uncrit cap”)

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Always someone who tries to downplay feats. Get over yourself.


It’s amazing how many people I still see keyboard turning.

“People are enjoying something I don’t like, REEEEEEEE!”


found one of the elitist dudes ruining the game. It’s about fun, you seem to forget.


Why would keyboard turning be such a big deal? Did the bosses die? Did he complete what his objectives were? Was it slower maybe? Sure, but still tanked a ZA as a shaman. Sorry, tank shamans don’t exists, he took damage and held threat in a position so as others would not take as much damage and was the primary healer of others…

Because its really bad.

It dies in wrath, but it looks like good fun and I’m glad you guys found something fun to do against the meta and everything stacked against you, /applause

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I heard some shamans tanked back in Wrath. Definitely doesn’t seem too promising, but I’d like to check it out :slight_smile:

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But why? I get that it can be slower, but if someone is more comfortable with it, and downs the bosses they are intending to, who cares? I play how I want, I already am aware I will never parse the way I should, be #1 enh shaman in any capacity and play to have fun. Who cares if I click, back up, mouse move, whatever. Why do all the keyboard heroes on the forums make such a big fn deal about it? I don’t uinderstand