TBC Classic, prepatch leveling

I sell stocks runs, there is no terrain exploit.

I make around 1600 gold a week.

For some races, itā€™s a lot more than just a small advantage. We are not talking Tauren Warriors having 10 extra base Str over a Gnome.

Blood Elves have a very powerful racial. Insta cast AoE silence that also refunds mana is pretty OP. Especially in 3v3 Arenas that will be all the rage.

Orcs and Trolls have on demand burst CDs that far outpace anything Alliance get.

A lot of PvP players roll Horde for that edge. And friends of hard-core players role to join them.

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Selling boosts isnā€™t exactly a behavior Iā€™d brag about considering the extremely negative pay to win mentality it encourages in the player base, and complete collapse of non boost dungeon groups even existing for most players /servers.

People literally paying currency to avoid playing the game. Itā€™s something blizzard should have aggressively clamped down on years ago.


SO they confirmed TBC???

Would this be before or after the leveling nerf

Man, I got tricked into thinking classic was going to be hardcore but its just a bunch of gold buyers handing gold to the gold sellers to play the game for them. Nice pay2win scam you have going.


even with a gold reset - this will happen anyway ā€“ look at all the people who got 1k ground mounts very very quickly.

the game isnā€™t new ā€” the strategies to obtain gold in a quickly manner have been established.

like tipping a mage for a port to skip the time it takes to travel somewhere?

Umā€¦I donā€™t sell gold nor do I buy it.

I sell boosts for gold, and use the gold for raid consumes and for TBC when itā€™s out.

Unlike you Mr ā€œhardcoreā€ I actually have great logs. Since I can afford to use raid consumes.

TBc is fā€™ed on arrival.

Iā€™d argue that is a different circumstance, being an innate class utility (not unlike rogue lock picking), rather than an exploitation of the level scaling system, but I do at least understand your logic on making the comparison.

Enforcement wise, the most simple fix would be simply banning the advertisement for in game carries /boosts (something theyā€™ve long needed to do on retail too, fwiw, as ā€œcarry cultureā€ is positively rampant on retail, even worse than boosts are in Classic). Our simply cripple xp gains when thereā€™s a level disparity in the group /instance.

i dont boost (holy paladin, lul), and i dont play alts.

this would fix the issue sure.

powerleveling, or boosting as itā€™s called these days, are typical for an mmo after some establishment has happened.

farming gold is easy, leveling is slow - the market and the players have set this precedent.

i just see it as people playing the game thatā€™s within the limitation of the rules and suits their entertainment.

Iā€™m not a quester, and i hard grinded (as holy mind you) about 1/3rd of my xp to 60 without questing. (i love killing ogres) - would other people hold that against me cause im choosing to play the game differently?

the only reason i chime in on debates like these is cause people tend to worry about what others are doing instead of just enjoying the game they see as fun.

I can see how trying lfg could be obnoxious is the lfg channel is being spammed alot, but the channel is still useable - just gotta ignore the stuff you canā€™t control instead of letting it ruin your fun. in the end itā€™s just a game.

Forgot to play the game or something? Just not farming gold or leveling alts? Have gotten nothing on your character you want to carry forward?

There are TBC pservers right now that can give you the experience you desire.

Mageā€™s canā€™t aoe in TBC like they can now

I vote for start from scratch you are playIng World of warcraft CLASSIC right now not World of warcraft perparing for TBC classic edtion. Classic shuold always stay at classic or else the people who only wanna play it will move off back to private severā€™s (for free) and we know blizzard would not like that.


You just called stock runs ā€œhard workā€. Mhm.

am i the only one who thinks tbc should be a snapshot launch where your classic characters get snapshotted right when tbc gets released and then copied over to the tbc servers? its the best of both worlds, and it most closely resembles the actual tbc launch.

am i wrong here? i feel like im taking crazy pills.


I dedicated a lot of time farming my gold, maybe if you dedicated more time into something you wouldnā€™t have logs that look like that.

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ā€œIt would be insane not to.ā€ - Ion, head game dev

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YEP, the same people who are responsible for Classic being a thing. Youā€™re welcome :slight_smile: