Clearly, lot of the Anniversary Realms community is looking forward to TBC’s relaunch. Knowing from the beginning of these servers that this will be a reality, there are several points that I would like to touch on about this relaunch and the #somechanges that blizzard is making for this type of servers:
TBC era servers: Clearly this is the real reason why the community is happy about these servers and I’m not going to go into much detail since there is another topic about this. Please confirm if TBC server will be ERA TBC
Raid - wide buffs: Even though I feel that this is part of the essence of TBC, the community has been very supportive of this change, and at the point (which I believe 90%) is implemented for these new servers, I think the way it is done would be important. These changes along with the debuff sated with the BL are good to not depend so much on classes like shamans in your raid composition, but classes like the beast hunter must have a cap on skills like Ferocious Inspiration, because the raids will then benefit from complete groups of hunters or also, in the case of casters, complete groups of warlocks, which greatly damages the diversity of classes that you can and should bring to a raid in TBC, clearly modifying the meta and which will make the community much more selective when forming their rosters.
NO heroic +/gamma/beta or anything added to dungeons: Please, PLEASE! Do NOT! add this to TBC PLEASE! I beg you blizzard. This was one of the worst things that were added during WOTLK classic, and I’m not saying because of the added difficulty, but because of its rewards. Adding raid items as rewards to dungeons not only kills the content from previous phases, you also sh on your players who have played the entire expansion for months and that the new ones have to do the previous content before doing the last raids.
TBC is an excellent expansion: Clearly the community has requested it and just as was done in TBC classic, it is very well thought out, I am in favor of some changes but if it were released completely as it was in 2021, I am sure it will be a very wellcome decision.
This kind of thing is what made me originally loose interest in continuing to play the game. It became painfully obvious by Cataclysm that each patch is one big gear treadmill, a loop to catch players in to keep them doing stuff to not fall behind.
One of the best things about TBC is that Karazhan and Zul’Aman (when released) are relevant and meaningful raids until WotLK launch. There are good items in all raids and even some heroic Dungeons. The badge gear is fine, leave it as it was in original TBC, a good catchup system for those just getting to level cap and gearing for raids and PVP.
If we get a TBC era server, I don’t see how heroic +/gamma/beta would be necessary. Why would you need catch-up mechanics if the server will persist indefinitely? I can SORTA see why they would be necessary if they were going to force us from TBC into WotLK and TBC would go poof again but if that isn’t what is to become of us, I see no reason to implement catch-up measures.
Only thing I want is the race change paid service. A much more selfish request of mine would be something (be it transmogrification or whatever else) that would entice people to continue to engage with older content. I am a completionist. I like to collect things. Much easier to collect certain things with more warm bodies along for the ride. Far more interested in race change though.
Edit: Also, please don’t nerf and/or remove content. As with catch-up measures, nerfing content is completely unnecessary if we have an indefinite amount of time to play TBC. Even the most casual of casuals will eventually learn the fights in their pre-nerfed state.
With an era server I can make my own goals and progress towards them with the time I do have. Otherwise, content just releases too fast for me to keep up with and before I can accomplish any of my goals the next patch/expansion is already on the horizon -_-'.
yep, I think TBC and WOTLK heroic dungeons were fine, they just mess up with the h+ and all that thing, for some reason they still think is a good system in cata but … hope they dont mess with my lovely TBC
As someone who started in Wrath, played Cata and MoP (originally).
I rerolled back on Era realms due to Anniversary being a treadmill.
I regret not copying my toons to era because they are stuck in Cata .
But I would definitely be playing Vanilla Era and TBC era for a long, long time. To enjoy the differences between the two.
Wrath was without a doubt, the beginning of the decline of WoW as we knew it in Vanilla and TBC. Cata destroyed it.