Tauren or Z-Troll Paladin

:woman_shrugging: I love my Paladins.

Which you can’t play. Nelsonha-ha.jpg.

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But I am a High elf, oh you’re talking about those traitors who chose pride over their own people.

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Do you even know what traitor means ? high elves never were part of the scum horde but bloodelfs were part of the alliance so the filthy traitors aree . . … .

the bloodelfs.

And you are not a high elve anymore , high elve is a social-military-gp of elves that fight and belong in the Alliance . Is not about a race is more about a tittle but this aint a high elve thread so let it be traitor.

Tauren look dumb in every armor set, so zandalari.

Bruh what the heck type of question is this the only answer is ever troll for every single class in this game only troll if you ever ask yourself “Troll or ____” you already failed lmfao troll everyday all day ONCE YOU GO TROLL YOU NEVER REROLL! TROLL MASTER RACE DARKSPEAR NEVER DIE ZANDALAR FOREVER!!! TAZ’DINGO!!!

My vote goes for Zandalari as they have some awesome t-mogs.

No, we don’t. :roll_eyes:

Z-troll for mounts and looks

Tauren for racial spell
If I had a to pick, zandalari trolls. A Tauren paladin doesn’t make sense to me…