Tauren or Z-Troll Paladin

Void elves look better though


Void elf looks like the kind of girl whos wild at parties while the blood elf is the one that prefers to be left alone and goes to your local Target wanting to speak to the manager

Like Molly Ringwald vs Ally Sheedy in the breakfast club?

There’s no question which one you should choose. Z-troll all the way.


The only race that is superior in this game are the TRUE HIGH ELVES that are in the Alliance.

Know your place bloodelf.

i like troll because of their background, but i like tauren more because of the looks

but since this games about the fashion, i vote Tauren


I feel dumb. I need to look at the Z-Troll heritage set - haven’t seen it yet (or straight-up forgot what it looks like).

Edit to add for those unaware like I was:

That looks pretty solid


Z-Trolls are the god pallies.

I’ve been playing this game a very long time so I already have pretty much every class at or around max level of various Horde races; in the future if new classes are introduced im going Z-Troll every single time.

Regeneratin’ is hella clutch and I love the culture and aesthetics of the race.


Boy do I love the smell of justice in the morning and everyone shouting about the priase of :crossed_swords: and :shield:

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You can’t argue with this logic. The answer is obvious OP.

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I like tauren but the torso stretching and massive shield size (we need hide shields please Blizzard) ruins all my mogs so mine is a belf instead. Troll looks pretty good though.

Z-Trolls are amazing they rock every mog, have great proportions and animations. The way they hold polearm is pure win.

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Have you guys NOT seen bubble + regeneratin’?!? Easily one of the best combos of all time. Ztroll pala is by far the best choice

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I was considering rolling a Zpally to see the other side. Then I realized I can’t unlock them.

Cries in Uther’s light

Also been thinking of changing to female Belf. I got a surplus of male ones and I do like some of the melee animations a little better then Male.

Tauren look bad in everything. Roll troll.

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Dark Iron or DIAF. :fire:

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well between those two… tauren but not everyone enjoys not being able to pass through doors with the kodo as paladin :upside_down_face:

Do what I did: level all three Horde Paladins to 120.

They’re all amazing.

That sounds time consuming and redundant.

My vote goes to Z troll. I am actually leveling one now, but I’m thinking of finishing after the level squish.

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