Tauren or Z-Troll Paladin

All this constant screaming about High elf Paladin this, Void elf Paladin that has kind of made me want to distance myself from the Elven Paladin, which race do you think I ought to race change to or should I just tough it out since Belf was the original Horde Pally?

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You become the one true Paladin race

Human Paladin


There are no humans on the Horde though.

Z-trolls for the mount and novelty.

Tauren for war stomp.

Belf for the AoE dispel.

Honestly screw what people on here say about elves. Play what you enjoy.


That’s why you go alliance instead

I base my choice on lore and looks. I always view racials as a fun bonus.

My favorite races have always been trolls so I’m biased to them. I like how the mighty loa helps them vanquish their foes as prelates in the service of Queen Talanji. Dinosaurs are pretty cool too.

Taurens worshipping the sun always had a neat appeal to it. Taurens always had that nature/tribal theme which makes it fun to incorporate that into their Paladin lore through transmog. I always looked at them as sort of “sun druids” in plate armor. But that’s a debate I don’t want to get into haha.

I race changed from a blood elf Paladin. I was a blood elf Paladin since burning crusade allowed horde Paladins. I was sold on their original vision where they forced the light from the Naaru and forced the light to empower them. Blood Knights are a cool faction. Their black and red color scheme looks great on them. They kind of changed it up to where they get their powers from the sunwell and not siphoning other creatures. They are still cool… but I personally missed their old lore.


Honestly I thought I’d love Zandalari, but something about it just didn’t “feel” right. Not sure why. Tauren I always felt were cool but had a really really really hard time thinking of a transmog that looked like it fit a Sunwalker and looked good. Also there’s the fact that a Sunwalker isn’t meant to be anything like a Paladin (it’s more like a Warrior+Druid) in the lore and it’s just the game equivalent so a lot of the abilities don’t look or feel like they suit. Really makes me wish they had cosmetic abilities that would keep them the same but totally change the look of them.

So my Horde pally just stayed Blood Elf.


I’d say, going for lore and aesthetics, Tauren. Sunwalkers are unique among Paladins.

Going for racials and performance, probably Zandalari. But then you have to be a Zandalari.

(That last bit’s just a little joke, being a Pandaren and all.)


Zandalari have flexible racials and an easier time with mogs IMO.

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Both races are a disgrace for paladins.

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Tauren are superior.

Although the heritage set for the trolls is awesome. And they have that sweet dino mount.

Only one answer.

Roll and level both.

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I would go troll, they look great.


Trolls are neat, but I’d level one to 110 for the heritage armor first.

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I’d rather not.
Been on Alliance for a long time.
Now I’m much more happier being on a side that is competent when it comes to something as simple as keys.

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Ztroll for sure. You get a free 2nd LoH, the extra buffs from the loas are nice depending on spec. Free goblin glider(although every 15 minutes). And the transmogs look better on us than a Tauren if you’re into that sort of thing. Plus I like the loas more then the sun spirit or whatever it is that a Tauren pally worships.


Why choose to be inferior.

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You mean being a basic blood elf girl is any better?

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Far superior.

Lightforged are the only true way to follow the path of The Light!

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Fem Zandalari trolls look awesome to me. That gets my vote. Lots of good troll plate mogs, too. Although, the Tauren heritage armor looks stunning and incredibly fitting - so if you don’t have that unlocked already, that may swing me to Team Tauren.