Now that I have a toy that lets me turn into a Taunka, I can finally take some festive screenshots for this megathread!
And as is tradition in several megathreads I frequent, I try to take several screenshots of magical sleigh riding, which is one of my favorite Winter Veil activities! I’d chosen a Taunka to be Santa Taunka this year, off to spread holiday cheer throughout the Horde and hopefully grant the wishes of the Taunka to come true!
Screenshots with fitting music below:
I’ll take more festive screenshots when I can. Hopefully the Taunka will be able to celebrate Winter Veil in Orgrimmar with the Horde someday!
-Still dreaming of Taunka as a full playable Horde race!
I wanted to reaffirm my support for playable Horde Taunka. Preferably as a full race as opposed to being a Customization Race.
Since we’re going to be going back to Northrend in The Last Titan, I feel that it’s very important to keep up the playable Horde Taunka support since it is likely they’ll be part of that expansion. I can’t say they’re a guarantee of being playable then, especially since there are other denizens of Northrend that are contenders for becoming playable races, but I feel like there could be a decent chance of that happening. And honestly, if we’re getting a third Dwarf race to go with multiples of other races like Elves, I don’t see an issue with Taunka as a full playable race in the future.
While it’ll be awhile before we get to any reveals of The Last Titan’s features, I’ll be helping to keep an eye out and help report anything of Taunka interest back here. Best to keep an open mind of course, but you never know what will happen.
Anyway, here is to a new year and more playable Horde Taunka support! Cheers!
I wish we got the Taunka instead of the Highmountains, at least the Taunkas were more unqiue looking, whereas the Highmountains looked more like additional customisation choices for the existing Tauren race.
Taunka long ago joined the Horde and should have been among the first Allied Races. I can’t wait to have my own Taunka when they finally get wise and add all the races that have already joined the Horde and Alliance.
I am for this but remember that they are allied to the taureen and as such should be Horde or neutral. They could slot in beside the Highmountain as “barely Horde”. With that I mean they have no personal reason to dislike the Alliance, Alliance characters can with no problem visit their capitol and may have been instrumental in helping them through the crisis during Legion.
I think that if we got the allied race system earlier, they would have gone with Taunka. Though on the subject of customizations, I still wonder if the Taunka would just end up as a customization option for the Tauren. After all the Tauren and Taunka female models are the same, with the male models differing in the face. Though since we are getting playable Earthen and third variants of Dwarves we can play as a result, I can see playable Taunka emerging.
I think that things like this could be easier if Blizzard decided to explain their philosophy on why certain races were made playable on their own right and others customizations. I still think it’s very weird that they hyped the Man’ari as being WoW’s first place demons and then just have then largely treated as Draenei in-game.
Hey everyone! I’m glad to see support still going. I would like to mention though, there is no need to put down other races or ideas, everything has their fans. Just voice support for what you wanna see!
Despite my support for the Taunka, I would not wanna see the Highmountain gone.
Now, I am not sure if your confusing the Taunka and Highmountain up, but for right now i am going to assume you refer to our Northrend friends given the topic.
In Wrath the Taunka took the Blood Oath- firmly making them Horde, and have been ever since. Even in a recent book, Exploring Northrend, the Dwarven leaders speak of the Taunka and how they are atill stainchly Horde and do not do much diplomacy outside of that. They dont talk to the Dwarves at all or welcome them tk their villages.
Unfortunately that is just a remnant of their old philosophy when making npc races. We can see in most of WoW’s lifetime, we rarely ever see female equivalents of npc races.
My hope for when the Taunka re-enter the story is that they get a nice update visually and culturally as we see the returning races in DF get, which would hopefully include bringing the females to resemble the males with their bison faces.
This honestly does confuse me quite a bit. Why do some races become ARs, others customization with story with it(Darkfallen and Man’ari) and others just added with no fanfare(Wildhammer, Quel’dorei, Farraki)? Perhaps we will get an answer someday.
In my opinion any race that is distinct physically or culturally at all should not be mushed into an existing race, as the races as they are now are very specific lorewise. The base human is from Stormwind, the base dwarf is a Bronzebeard from Ironforge and so on. This is re-inforced with heritage armor.
This! I really wish they’d explain it. The rules seem to just change on a dime.
That and in a behind the scenes about Wrath they mentioned they just ran out of time for it.
I wanna see not only their female model, but I want to see them setup a Horde encampment, maybe with one of those tauren elevators, in Winterspring. Give the Horde something strong there.
Yesterday, I listened the WotLK OST and I remembered the Taunka got their own music.
I thought about what we could get as quests for them if they can become an allied race for the Horde.
So we could get some quests about where they build their new home (new capital) in Northrend, how they can build it and with who (the Horde). We could also see how they improve their diplomacy and their link with the Horde because they are a part of the Horde since WotLK.
I think they could possibly also establish a new Horde town in Winterspring with its own elevator dropping down into Aszhara. Give the Horde another avenue up that way and a stronger presence in Winterspring. That would be so awesome.