Taunka Allied Race Megathread

Taunka could get paladin with the Tauren teaching. They could learn how to use the light of An’she with training with the Tauren sunwalkers.


I actually would love to see the Sunwalkers reach out to the Highmountain and Taunka and bring them both into the paladin fold on that. It fits so well with any of the Tauren societies around the world it just makes sense. Paladin and Priest for all three types of Tauren could easily be through the Sunwalkers.


Another month means charging to the in-game suggestion function and give our playable Taunka support again!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Still hoping that the Taunka aren’t forgotten, as well as hoping they would be their own full race as opposed to having Tauren cosplay as them as a customization race! :ox:


Not sure if we have a banner for the Taunka but I think it’s better than nothing with this:


I find it could work as banner for Taunka


The Taunka would be an amazing addition to the Horde and since they’re already a part of the Horde it would be childs play to add a questline to bring them in.

The Horde needs allies and the Taunka likely need a place to live now that the Scourge is rampaging in warbands.

Bring them in.


Taunka Female by Timber.Wolf


Truly I hope we get the Taunka soon.


definitely would like to play a broffalo


While I think playable Taunka would be great to see, I get the feeling that they could end up as a customization like the Darkfallen and Man’ari Eredar.

I think that is likely as well, but I maintain hope that Blizzard will add them in a way that doesn’t erase them further than they’ve more or less been erased so far. Some sort of way to gain racials for them even if they are customizations or a tabard and a mount… like any AR would have had would be wonderful.


Just add Taunka & Yaungol as a extra customization to the HM model. According to the desciptional lore that would be the model they should use with the male Taunka/Yaungol heads. Make a quest where the Tauren Sunwalkers seek to unite the Shuhalo ppls. Taunka & Yaungol are Tauren that during the Sundering got stuck in Northrend and Pandaria. Imo we dont need more “races” added just customization to the current races in game.

Technically the Yuangol came before the others.

Tauren come from Yuangol then spread into the central plains of Kalimdor, then what would become the Taunka continued north. The Highmountain Tauren are actually the “newest” group in historical lore only gaining their slight permutation from Cenarius during the War of the Ancients.

Not sure the Sunwalkers would be the ones to do that. But Baine and Mayla might. I think since the Taunka are already a part of the Horde it would make sense to have Baine and Mayla reach out to bring them more into the fold. Especially since I can’t imagine the recent Scourge surging mindlessly from Icecrown was easy on them.

The Taunka could establish a new home in a revamped Winterspring…

I’d always prefer a AR or at least a way to get proper racials, tabard, mount and heritage armor but I’m not opposed to them being customization… Especially if we can still get the racials, tabard, mount and heritage armor.


No where in the Lore does it say the Yaungol cane before the Tauren. Lore for MOP specifically states the Yaungol where originally Tauren that got stuck on the Wandering Isle that developed into the Yaungol, same with the Taunka getting stuck in Northrend.

" The yaungol were originally stated to be descendants of tauren hunters who were trapped in Pandaria during the Great Sundering . Chronicle changed this by stating that the yaungol were the original race from which the tauren descended, instead of the other way around"

" The taunka (also known as winter tauren) are an ancient offshoot of the yaungol and relatives to the tauren who have adapted to the harsh environment in Northrend."

Its the Taunka that descended from the Yaungol. Still would love to see them added as playable. Taunka technically shouldve been the first Horde Allied race according to the story of the game :v:t5:

This is contradictory to your statement.

Chronicle is Lore.

The Yuangol are the progenitor of the Tauren and Taunka and the Highmountain are still Tauren that changed only when Cenarius blessed them with the horns of Eche’ro.

I was fairly certain that Chronicle had also made the Taunka an offshoot of the Tauren but not the Yuangol but eh, either way.

Tauren and Taunka descended from the Yuangol according to what you wrote there. >.>

But yeah I do agree taunka should have been one of the first Allied Races.

I think for Horde they should have gotten; Taunka, Ogres, Forest Hozen and Revantusk as their first AR’s. All those races were already allied to the Horde.


"The taunka are the descendants of a bovine race known as the yaungol. Several millennia before the First War, the yaungol roamed central Kalimdor and lived in peace with the demigod Cenarius, but were eventually driven south due to not wanting to share hunting grounds with the trolls. There, the yaungol were enslaved by the mogu empire and twisted by the mogu flesh-shapers. Though they eventually regained their freedom along with the other slave races during the pandaren revolution, much of their ancient cultural heritage had been lost.

Heated arguments led many yaungol to migrate back north. One group, who would later take up the name “tauren”, resettled in central Kalimdor and rediscovered their ties to Cenarius, while the more nomadic tribes traveled across the entire continent, only stopping when they reached the frigid lands near the Storm Peaks. There, titan-forged machinery such as the Forge of Wills transformed these northern yaungol into a new subspecies, known as the “taunka”.

The taunka, tauren, and yaungol retained some contact with one another for many years, but the Great Sundering finally shattered the connections between the tribes."

(World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 page 90)

With the Mok’Nathal too. :stuck_out_tongue:


I place them in the second wave actually. I think we should have gotten them with BfA not the end of Legion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah! I thought it did. I don’t have access to my “friends” copy anymore so I couldn’t check. lol

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i’d roll me a Taunka. i’d call her Mable.


That would be an adorable name!


I’d be really interested to see Blizzard add some Taunka wandering around Orgrimmar at some point or with their own little enclave representing at least their continued inclusion in the Horde even if Blizzard hasn’t yet added them as playable, either through customization or an AR option.


I want Taunka and Yaungol to be playable on the Tauren side.