Tarr the Terrible pets swap and don't skip a turn

Hi all,

Since the patch dropped I have done my regular pet circuit and found that Tarrs fight has changed. Normally the very first move he casts is Gladiator Murkalots ability that stuns him and he swaps out.
Because he swaps the next pet that comes in, Gladiator Deathy should ‘miss a turn’ as his coming in to the battle was his turn, however I am finding he swaps in and gets a move straight off.

Is this a bug? Because at first I thought that the patch may have changed that stunned pets now get a free swap, so I let Murkalot stun my pet, and my pet did not get a free swap and had the usual ‘missed turn’.

Anyone know what’s going on?

EDIT: Just seen this happen multiple times now with different NPC trainers, their pets get stunned, swap them out and get a move off in the same turn. I on the other hand have never had the ability to swap and get off a move the same turn. Lots of my strats bank on stunning and getting an “extra move” in, especially against Cymre Brightblade. What did they break? :pleading_face:


Ah that explains it. I noticed that suddenly I was having to repeat fights on Cymre, Tarr, and the one in Uldum. Also the Burning Pandaren Spirit took multiple attempts as well, but I don’t know if that was bad rng or what…

Don’t know if this has been fixed but I just tried Tarr and when Gladiator Deathy swapped in he didn’t get a hit off till next round, effectively missing a turn.

What team are you using?

Trying to fight Burning pandaren spirit and it is auto skipping turns for me. i think there is something wrong

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Todays fights:

1 shot the uldum fight.

1 shot Burning Pandaren Spirt… but it was really close. Is Sandstorm correctly mitigating damage? I’m not sure it’s working on DoTs but I didn’t look that closely

Environeer Bert no longer works with the strategy that I had previously. I have no idea why but it was a xu-fu strat that was 100% every time before. It’s a heavily stun/swap fight so something with that I am sure.

Cymre 1 shot, but used Tideskipper and Infinite Whelpling on it today which is a very strong team.

Tarr multiple attempts again. Standard Unborn Valk and Fossilized Hatchling. It failed on rare occasions before but nearly every time now. Murkalot gets to Shieldstorm which is something he never got to before IIRC. Had to completely abandon the strats and sub in an Iron Starlette for the leveling pet to crush the ending.

My usual team for Tarr is Spectral Spinner, Creepy Crate, and a 12+ carry pet. Spinner starts off with Blinding Poison and blinded Murkalot therefore misses his attack so doesn’t stun. Rest of battle went like always till the very end. When Murkimus uses his Heroic Leap the second time, it wasn’t followed by an attack on the next round. Instead he just vanished. After passing three times, I tried an attack and it killed him. This is so obviously a bug, makes me hope the stun and swap change is also just a bug and not deliberate.

And now multiple attempts two days in a row on the Wispering Pandaren Spirit.

I’ve noticed this on PvP battles too. Some pet swaps seem to trigger a turn skip. Seems random right now.

Say I queue an attack and my opponent chooses to swap pets. What should happen (and did before patch) was that the pet swap would happen, then my pet attack would hit the swapped pet.

What I have seen post-patch is on some pet swaps, my pet’s attack is skipped and then used the next round (without the ability to select a new move for the new round)

Seems like a bug.


Seems the rule now is that if your pet is faster than opponent, other swapped in pet gets a free ride this turn, no attack from the other guy. If slower, will work like it used to and swap-in pet gets hit.

Nobody knows if this is a bug or intentional. Would seem a little crappy for Blizzard to make a significant change to pet battle mechanics without putting it in patch notes. Anyone seen any mention of this ?

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New meta is three pets with high speed and a smoke cloud ability
Smoke cloud,hit, swap
Smoke cloud,hit,swap
Repeat until win with zero damage taken

Anxious nibbler x3. has high speed, smoke cloud and an aoe damage/slow attack
You can smoke cloud, aoe/dps/slow and switch and by the time you get back to your first pet the cooldowns all reset effectively making you immune to anything with lower speed

Unless the other team has face bite/leap etc that seems to totally ignore the nibblers slowing moves.

I found another bug in the Tarr the Terrible fight. His last pet, Gladiator Murkimus. goes up in the air with his Heroic Leap. if I pass while he’s up there, he never comes down, never does dmg, but can be attacked normally. If I use an ability right after he goes up, he comes down normally.

Originally, I thought the lost round bug was tied to my Unborn Val’kyr’s Haunt against Tarr’s first pet and my resulting pet swap. But your pet swap idea fits better (my WoD strats don’t use alot of stuns, but Tarr’s first pet stuns himself). I haven’t been able to reproduce my Haunt theory on other pet trainers or open world fights to give it any credence.

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I posted in the other thread, but just a reminder that this isn’t a meta, it’s an exploit because it’s a bug. If you’re doing normal gameplay that triggers this bug, that’s one thing. Specifically designing a team to utilize the bug is an exploit:

  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

I won’t say it’s a guaranteed ban, or anything, but I certainly won’t be risking it just for a few wins :woman_shrugging:

That said, there are a lot of ways this bug is impacting both PvE and PvP, and hopefully it gets fixed soon.


As of today (7/10/2021) this is still an issue. I kept going against two anxious nibblers and an Anubisath Idol (for sandstorm to protect the backline pets against the aoe dots). The POS kept swapping nibblers, I got no free hit on the swap turn, and then he would use his speed to cast dodge first, hit, and then repeat.

What exactly is the bug here? That you no longer give your opponent a freebie hit if you swap? How the f@#$ did pet week go live with this major bug ripe for exploiting not fixed?

I reported the player but I am sure nothing will happen. It is Blizzard’s fault, not his.

really hoping the ban hammer goes out. The Rose Taipan team means you’re always blinded because you can constantly swap in another Rose Taipan and blind again. Really hard to do anything against that team.

I’ve been seeing this alot lately, just did some of the pet battle bosses in shadowlands and i would stun them, and they would just ignore it, get the “i’m stun immune for 2 turns” and then continue with their turn and hit me as normal.

Bug report a couple weeks ago, post from Bamboody does nice job explaining why the Pet Swap Bug/Feature has ruined pet PvP. And made the jerks exploiting it pretty much guaranteed to win.

(Pet Battle Turn Skipping Bug)

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