Pet Battle Turn Skipping Bug

Since the patch, there’s an issue during pet battles where swapping pets can cause your opponent to miss a turn. This didn’t happen before the patch, and seems to happen randomly now.


Yup, good catch. This is an actually an issue related to turn order and skipping turns in a round. If the pet who’s supposed to go first in the turn order skips their turn (either through the Pass Button, Swap Pet, or some sort of Stun), then the opposing pet will skip their turn as well. This does not occur if the pet who’s supposed to go second in the turn order skips their turn; everything proceeds as normal.

This gives an exploitable advantage to fast pets. They can just pass any turn they don’t want the opposing pet to take action, and DoTs will continue to tick away while the opposing pet does absolutely nothing. Cockroaches and their Apocalypse ability are essentially undefeatable with this glitch.


I don’t know why this isn’t getting more attention.

It isn’t random either. As long as all pets involved have a higher speed, the opponent only gets a turn when you take an action. If you pass, or swap pets, as long as both your current pet, and the pet you’re swapping in are faster, the opponent’s queued action does not happen.

Any pet with an ability like sweep, as long as it’s faster, can just pass turns or swap pets until sweep is ready, and their opponents can’t do anything.

The only counters to this are either having even faster pets, or having pets with moves that always go first, like blinkstrike or quick attack.

But even then, I’ve seen a team of faster pets somehow lock out those abilities too and once you’re stuck, they can just go AFK and it will auto pass turns until one of you gets bored.

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It also has ramifications for the Pet Battle Dungeons. The Emerald/Dream Whelpling’s Emerald Dream can end up triggering several heals at once, which makes it even better as a secondary clean-up pet.

However, the Alran Heartshade encounter strategies revolving around locking down Frills no longer function, as Frills will now randomly be able to freely Fade and escape. I’ve only succesfully gotten him down 1 out of the last 5 attempts.

Had this issue on the Natural Defenders world quest. After stunning the runestag, enemy team swaps to a moth and immediately take an action without the player getting a turn.

It looks like this is fixed.