Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

Look Blizzard, lets be real, if I can’t get my 5x twilight devastation first week before I inevitably unsub to play something else I’m gonna have to leave at least ten more tantrum threads on GD.


TD r3 is far better than the other 2 r3s … the costs make sense, as much as any of this “buff” does.


Kaivax, my main should not feel punished for being loyal to each patch cycle and staying up to date.


It is a valid complaint, many of us do not play alts, so mains should have been collecting them the entire time, or a new currency set up. Because the system is RNG based to begin with, many people haven’t had the best luck even on their mains, and now they will see people with alts moving right on past them because they ALREADY HAVE the currency. You don’t see the problem with that?


That doesn’t change the fact that people who’s been accumulating has a GIGANTIC head start against people who didn’t even get a chance to even get it until the upcoming changes.

There are quite literally people sitting with 40k+ whereas I wasn’t even given an option to stockpile them.

How is that remotely fair?


Yeah, this was basically the deciding factor for my friends when I told them about Essences. If there’s no catchup there’s no point for them coming back. Why grind them out just for Shadowlands to roll around?


well, i only gotten back in the game for like a month, but i have no essences at rank 3 nor any echoes so far. To be honest I’ve only been farming some gold and dealing with mechagon. This whole thing is not for people like me right?


Really stupid change. The cost should have been reduced not increased. Blizz are basically saying to anyone saving up currency that if you can’t afford it now, you are penalized. All your existing currency is worth 20% going forward.

What was the person smoking who thought up this abomination.


So logging in tomorrow will I start receiving Echos of Nyalotha again cuz I’ve been at the stupid cap as all my essences were Rank 3 on my main I have been at 1630 echos for like 2 months now

This is going to be sooo fun.

Looking forward to it!

But the prices are 5x what they would have been otherwise too right?
Seems redundant.

Either way I will be glad to target something to replace the avoidance pieces I get recently.

Hopefully we see more corruptions available?

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Issue is many peoples alts, or people that didn’t get every essence already, have 10-30k echoes already. That is multiple rank 3s of the bat in addition to the increase we will be getting. Issue isn’t getting the currency eventually- its the lack of forethought blizzard had with this.


My main has never looted a single Echo of Ny’alotha due to the requirement to start obtaining them being so backwards. Why are you putting characters like my main at a disadvantage to others who could’ve been passively stockpiling thousands of echoes during this time?


For some corruptions, the item level of the item determines the damage done by the corruption (IIRC), for example, Infinite Stars. Will the value of these change when applied to higher item level gear?

Essentially, is it better to apply a corruption to the highest item level gear to get the highest damage? Or are the damage values fixed, so the item level of the item being corrupted does not affect the damage.

This is the best thing thats happened in BFA. Period.

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If they really wanted to extend an olive branch they could mail out some amount of echoes to characters that have all rank 3 essences and zero echoes.

But it sounds like if you did you’re just SoL, they say they’ll be more abundant going forward, but not sure if that means more activities will reward them than before or if it’s just because they’re handing out x5 going forward.


I don’t care about the visions changes, as they do not affect me (super disappointed that this is the rep buff replacement). The corruptions sounds they cost a ton. It’ll be an endless grind to get the pieces I want. What an underwhelming announcement.

Thumbs down. Really disappointed.

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That’s still not enough. Some people have over 40k echoes saved right now. Even at 5x the rate they will be a month ahead of everyone who was unable to earn more due to buying essences or who spent them. That’s absurd.

Please reset echoes for everyone just like you do for residuum.


For why?


Do you actually think that many people have 10-30k echoes on alts? On the most alt-unfriendly expansion in a light year? Are are you propping up an imaginary friend to get “free refunds” by fearmongering about the hordes of players who supposedly are going to be rocking full twilight devastation day one?(hint: they aren’t)