Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

There’s really only one person here being insulting, but then again, I don’t think they have enough self awareness to realize they are wasting their time and energy.

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I’m a healer.

Not a dps.

I do not DPS, unless I’m world questing.


You’re the one calling corruptions trash because you don’t realize the corruption potential to begin with

What do you do in mythic 15s while everyone is max hp?

Yes, I believe corruptions are trash.

And only benefit DPS and Tank classes, and there are no corruptions that directly benefit healers, outside of boring lame secondary stat / teriary stat corruptions.

Absolutely nothing, because I wouldn’t be healing a Mythic+15, because it’s full of people like you.

Lmao. I’m done with you. Enjoy healing your world mobs to death

If I could heal world mobs to death, I would be totally okay with that, actually.

Also, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

It is unfair because all the people doing the exact same content day in and day out on their mains get nothing for doing exactly what you did. I really don’t see how you can’t understand that it is unfair for mains.

So, to clarify, we’re getting a mediocre solution to a problem that was entirely Blizzard’s fault, months after the point where it might have mattered. Thanks!

If you’re not able to fix this issue,
I think you should re-consider the M+ weekly cache and Horrific Vision drops having guaranteed corruption.
Because having guaranteed corruption means, you won’t be able to apply your desired corruption on those gear. (in other words, “guaranteed corruption” feels like a punishment now)


I am retired. I can almost guarantee I spent more actual /played time working on getting essences on my alts than you have spent on your main. I don’t care if you think your activities are of more value.

Neither of your suggestions are reasonable. I shouldn’t lose my echoes, people have alts they earned echoes on and they shouldn’t lose their echoes and blizzard is not going to go back through everyone’s activites to give them echoes.

The more reasonable solutions is just to create a new currency for the corrupted gear. I know you aren’t big on reasonable though.

With all that ‘elite’ content you did if you don’t have your corrupted items you want then ‘karma’ has already given you exactly what you deserve.

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Please oh please reset everyone’s echoes tomorrow. Every single person who has been doing the current content on their mains that have gotten their rank 3’s is going to be way behind because of this compared to the players that only got the specific ones they wanted and stockpiled. Massively unfair advantage.

Your retired can meet everyone’s corona quarantine. I play 11AM-4AM daily. No life? Sure whatever. But there’s no way you play more, in content that matters and gives echoes, than me.

Corona wasn’t here last year but nice try.

Neither was corruption.

This is coming way too late. Gonna quit the game tomorrow. Whoever came up with this system prior to these changes should be laid off. You have to be extremely lucky. Twice as lucky as in any other previous expansion. It used be item based with its stats. Now you would need to be extra lucky that it would come with the corruption you need for your class. The odds that your weekly chest loot is useful is almost zero for the majority of all players. 1. you need to be lucky that you loot an item that you actually need to replace. 2. then you have to be extra lucky that the new item will come with a corruption you actually need. If it doesn’t, it’s trash. I got 4 times in a row a leg piece from my weekly chest. How can this be balanced? PLUS none of those items were better than the leg piece I got from a vision run. Literally every item I got from my weekly chest was useless because the corruption wasn’t useful for my class. Why does weekly chest exist when none of the loot is useful for 3 consecutive months? That’s the main reason why I’m quitting this game. You have to be very lucky to get the 475 items with the right corruption in order to hit the dps you need to time higher keys.

The only ok gear I was able to get were from vision runs and and 465 dungeon loot. you end up averaging at 460-465 ilvl.

Earning essences on alts was and that is exactly what I was talking about.

Earning essences with echoes on alts is a 2020 thing. Not 2019

I am retired and I have done a massive amount of the new content since NYA released. All the visions, Vale and Uldum stuff…yea i have done a ton. I can easily have done as much if not more than you have.

I do every, single, WQ, every day. I kill Normal wrath/cara/N’Zoth every week. I full cleared heroic every week. I’m up to 10/12M full clearing most weeks. I have WM on so I earn more visions to do more visions every week. I have over 70 timed 15s and do at least 5 dungeons daily.