Tanks were supposedly nerfed?

try that in a small town

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Some of the tank changes, not all, are live. If you want to know which ones are live just look at the pre-patch notes.

As to the tank sustainability, what they changed for blood specifically is how death strike functions. It used to be it would take a 5 second window of damage taken and death strike would heal you based off of that window. It would allow you to death strike to full, get hit again, then death strike to full again using the same value and make a massive blood shield. Now, after that death strike, it resets that damage window, preventing that interaction.

Blood will still be able to full heal off a single death strike in big damage scenarios, chip damage however is much more problematic now than it used to be, which is where a healer will step in to make sure the dk is topped before a big hit so they can survive it and death strike off of it. It will continue to be a mostly self-sustaining tank, as designed. If blizzard doesn’t want that to happen, then they would need to redesign how blood works, which would probably lead to it becoming another pwar or something similar.

Hopefully that helps OP, basically you will not notice the changes unless you are doing difficult content.


Most the Blood DKs I have healed in Dragonflight can heal themselves from 10% to 100% in 1 GCD. So 40% to 100% in 3 seconds sounds like a pretty significant nerf to me?
The problem is you’re trying to state that you can’t see any kind of nerf but you have no baseline/control.

yes death strike was spammed and not working right at the time.
but with some tank rework after the nerf was listed they are listing to the tank feedback

op need to play a warrior or paladin and compare the notes this is for plate tanking only
druids and dh would need to do the same thing

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You aren’t doing the content that the nerf was aimed at which multiple people have pointed out. So that’s the fail… comprehension. If you were as weak as you seem to think you should be in standard content… in the target content you would be instantly destroyed.

My guardian druids self heal is noticeably less effective. And healers are struggling in heroic raids unlike before. For example, not enough time to keep tanks up and do all the additional healing mechanics required vs Larodar. Might need to adjust by bringing more healers to certain raid bosses.

The majority of the changes haven’t happened yet. The changes are for TWW content which isn’t out yet.

first of all, do content where tuning has an impact on gameplay

second of all, blood DK probably made out the best of all tanks and is maybe even better than before and still has the ‘niche’ of the self sufficiency more than any other tank, which actually all need to be healed

Some of the changes are definitely up

It’s an issue when the design is centered around the moment you’re practically done with the game. That is some backwards design. The esports model is a cancer to gaming.


If “God” proclaimed I’ve made mountains harder to climb, you climb the leaf pile in your backyard and say that wasn’t hard, you failed. :slight_smile:

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