Tanks were supposedly nerfed?

So, on a whim, I decided to try my Blood DK today.

I haven’t logged her on since… pretty sure it was BfA because she was still wearing a mish-mash of BfA and Legion gear.

Did the Gear Update thingie on her, and took her to Valdrakken and then down to Azure Span, straight to the Brackenhide Waterhole.

I remember reading that tanks’ self-sustain/self-heal was nerfed to make healers more important, but eh… coulda fooled me, lol.

Decided to give her a real proper test, and pulled as many mobs as I possibly could without them breaking off, and she did get hurt a bit, down to like 40% health left… and then zipped back up to full in 3 seconds.

Now, mind you, this is me playing a class I haven’t touched in probably 5 years, so I was using the starter build, and just mashing buttons that I vaguely remember and my DK was just healing herself back to full anytime she got hurt.

I know that normal mobs don’t do the kind of damage that mobs in a dungeon does, but still. She’s healing from 40-50% to full in a couple GCDs effortlessly.

I even went on to pull the entire cave on the first set of quests involving those gnolls, and laid waste to all of them, some 20 mobs + the named in there, and nothing could so much as touch me whatever.

Then I went on to fight some other stuff elsewhere, and much the same, nothing can hurt me, and even if I did get down a bit, I heal to full almost instantly.

And despite her being a tank, her DPS doesn’t seem that bad either. I’m still killing enemies with pretty decent speed.

try the same thing in mythic 0


They recently pump up tank damages by 15%
As for ppl who were crying before might have been ppl leveling from 1 to 70. Not the ones in 480 +ilvl gear.

Tanks will still steamroll super easy content. Take that same tank into a M+5 or +10…watch your health vanish in an instant.


The point was, that they claimed to have nerfed self-healing, but yet my DK is self-healing like crazy.

They claimed that they didn’t mess with mitigation, in fact they want you to use mitigation and they wanted to focus on that instead of self-healing, so that healers would have to heal you more, but that’s not really what I’m seeing.

And yes, obviously, easy outdoor content is easy, but I was more commenting on the ridiculous self-heal where you can go from 40% to full in 3 seconds, pretty much constantly.

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Do some higher M+ keys. What’s really the point of soloing some super trivial content and saying “oh, I still don’t die without a healer”?

That is completely irrelevant in a discussion about changes that are aimed at challenging group content.


:100: people like this have 0 clue and screech the loudest

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1). I am not screeching
2). I am asking a question
3). People are avoiding the question to harp on about me and the content I’m doing


Are you guys here just to troll or something?

I asked a question: If they nerfed self-healing, then why is my tank self-healing so much?

Seriously, it’s NOT a hard concept.

It doesn’t matter what you’re fighting, if you go from 40% to 100% every 3 seconds, that sure doesn’t seem like a self-healing nerf.


A dk is made to heal back damage taken like that … that is the class design. Duh

try a warrior or a monk and it may be a bit more spicy. However, its still baby mobs hitting you.

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That is the issue. In harder content they go from 40% to 0 faster than 3 seconds. Self healing is reduced to (supposedly) make it so you cant indefinitely sustain without a healer.

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So basically they failed in their stated objective, because Blizz sounded like they wanted to dial back self-healing, and instead, give them more mitigation and defense so that you don’t go from full to dead in a few seconds constantly.

But what I’m actually seeing in game, is that self-healing doesn’t seem nerfed at all, it just seems like they pumped the mobs up and lowered defense.

Like seriously how do they fail that bad at their stated goals? It’s not a hard concept, make tanks… tankier and have them doing less self-healing. How hard could that possibly be?

Fact is, looking at my abilities on my Blood DK I don’t see much of anything that actually increases your defense that’s an active button you push, except for anything that gives you bones. And I suppose there’s IBF.

Their stated goal was to smooth out intake between tanks. We’d take more damage overall but not go splat. They also dont want tanks living forever so healers dont have to help heal.

I understand all that.

But that’s not what I’m seeing in game. From what people speak of dungeons, tanks still go splat, even faster than before, and rather than giving tanks more defense and mitigation (which would do exactly what they said they wanted), they… didn’t… do that.

Tanks could live forever because they had too much self-healing. Self-healing is that thing that lets you live forever. So… if you want a tank to still tank but not live forever, you take away self-heal and replace it with mitigation, defense, and maybe some bubbles.

A tank that has a lot of mitigation and defense will still die, eventually, when their HP runs out.

A tank that can self heal to the moon will never die because he keeps replacing what the mobs take off.

That is how Warriors play already, which is why they relatively came out clean. DKs, on the other hand, got many more changes with gameplay and self healing. The specifics on the tuning is still in the air. Only the devs can say what the numbers should be.

Still. As other have pointed out, you are basing our opinion on DKs in non-threatening content.

The entire DK tanking design is based around self healing, so if that is your only point of reference…of course it looks weird. But they definitely can die in harder content.

So you want them to turn DKs into another tank that we already have?

But, to be fair, DK has seen significant growth in high keys as well…but they are still behind DH. It wouldn’t surprise me if they get some additional tuning.

What’s gonna happen, then, is that since DK has so much self-heal, but then the self-heal is apparently, according to others, not enough to overcome the damage, they’re just going to be an MP sponge because they have pretty much no mitigation buttons.

They almost have to, if they want to get rid of self-sustained tanking.

Blizz is all like “we don’t want tanks to sustain themselves” but self-healing IS self-sustainability.

The problem here, is that if you give DKs not enough self-healing to keep themselves alive, the DK is already at a disadvantage because he lacks any mitigation buttons, and has the defenses of a paper doll, he’s just going to end up being an MP sponge that goes splat constantly because mobs are designed to be tanked by tanks that do have lots of mitigation (you know, like every other tank).

It just seems like they don’t know what they’re doing with this, lol. Self-heal is always going to be a problem if they don’t like tanks being self-sustaining. Sure you can go into content and your self-healing isn’t enough, but… once you get enough gear… then you won’t end up needing healers, meanwhile the other tanks still have problems.

My armor reduces physical damage damage by 80% and every swing of my melee retore 36k hp

Scaling is whack at lvl 70

Here is the original post.

1+1 =2 mate

It is irrevalent of what content you do , before the update you were getting hit harder after the update you are getting hit softer because its designed for lvl 80 content not 70

So yeah scaling is whack

Vampiric Blood, Runeblade, AMZ, AMS, Mastery Blood Shield, Rune Tap (or is it Blood Tap??).

Blood is also based almost entirely on your HP isn’t the green bar, it’s the blue bar. If you aren’t spending that often by demand of needing to, it’s like super trival that clothies could face tank.