Tanks were supposedly nerfed?

Weren’t the tank nerfs supposed to be happening in TWW? Wasn’t all the feedback about tank nerfs coming from the TWW beta? That whole concept is designed around tank performance at level 80. The scaling will be much different there.

It makes sense that they wouldn’t want to wreck tank performance at level 70 before DF even ends. No one would be able to do M+ or raids if they did that.

TL;DR - tank performance now at level 70 tells us zero about how tank performance will be in TWW at level 80.

Think people also missed our gears armor and stam was buffed by like 10% for DF, so despite it being say 480 it’s more like 515 and so on.

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Sounds like you are actually looking for a complete rebuild of how Blood works. Because Blood is designed to deal with damage after it happens.

Icebound Fortitude
Anti Magic Shell
Vampiric Blood
Dancing Rune Weapon
Death Strike(Blood Shield)
I’m sure I’ve missed something but there’s a few.

My 2 cents is the world content that you tried was designed to be competitive toward leveling characters wearing gear of that era, season 1. The free gear that you upgraded to was designed in season 3 or 4 and as such would give your character a better chance to fight harder content that world content doesn’t offer.

If they adjusted world content towards mythic dungeon content, then you would see an army of players complaining that world content was too hard or people just giving up on the game. Both would be negatives for Blizzard PR department to spin to a positive to appease a small part of the gaming population that thinks world content is too easy.

I play every tank but Guardian druids. I know my Protection Paladin and Warrior the best, followed by Blood Death Knight. I know my Monk and Demon Hunter the least and would never try to tank world raid encounters on the later three because I know my skill to sustain my health means I’m dying without help of a healer. My two protections, you can’t kill me on world content raid bosses because that content isn’t made to the level of instant content like dungeons and raids.

The short answer is the nerf doesn’t matter in outdoor content or low dungeons, it will only matter in higher stuff because healers are already busy healing the dps players from AoE.

You won’t be able to sustain yourself against tyrannical boss in a +10 previously you could

On beta? The need takes effect for TWW if I recall not the prepatch

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Most classes are that resilient against normal mobs. I’ve leveled every class in Dragonflight and I always just pull everything. You won’t notice anything outside of heroics or mythics

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Yeh I was gonna say I can do the same on my alt Fury warrior or other dps specs

The tank nerfs are not live yet.


I don’t think the actually tank nerfs that people are talking about went through yet and is only in the war within beta

The “elites” must be asleep else OP would be getting roasted alive.

Or is this an “elite” I’m bored troll post :neutral_face:

Moreso we all knew the tank nerfs would have no impact on trivial content because by design they can’t, and also this is blood DK, the tank designed around self sustain to make up for its poor active mitigation.

Not to mention the tank nerfs aren’t even live, so this is either coming from a place of ignorance or as you said, a troll.

The tank nerfs are not going to stop people steamrolling your daily heroics or timewalking dungeons.

You can do this in the open world on some select dps specs. The tank changes won’t be noticed by anyone doing open world content.

Some of the nerfs are in, but a lot of the balancing stuff to come is only on the TWW beta. On top of that, a lot of the counterbalancing buffs are only on TWW, and all of this likely tuned around Hero Talents and the endgame.

While it’s fun to mess around and practice, people definitely shouldn’t get too up in arms for the live balance. Frost DKs are nuts right this moment, and their auto attack proc is their #1 damage ability. lol

Their “stated objective” was NOT to make it impossible to do world content as a tank unless you had a healer.

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OP def trolling here. Making judgments on any tank in open world content is a joke.

Go run some high keys and then get back to me lmao

Tanks adjustments are not live yet.

Are you sure about that? The stam changes were in the same notes with Tank nerfs, and the stam changes are live.

Tanks were nerfed on beta bro. If you read the thread title you can see it says beta and is in the beta section of the forums. Anything posted there only pertains to the beta.

My understanding is the tank adjustments do not go live until TWW, reading from patch notes and reputable WOW YT creators.