Tanks Shouldn't need healers, there are DPS for that

You know what it’s time for tanks to take some decent amount of hits from NPCS

(Give this comment a like if you agree with my views)

Eh, depends how many tools the rest of the group have to avoid or recover typically avoidable damage. AA, BH, AV, RLP, and Nokhud have all at some point this season been moonkin start with a resto swap at some point at the highest level.

Heck in AA the druid doesn’t even respec until you’re Infront of the second boss.

Cant trust them to use their defensives either.

“the highest level” is not pugs/majority population.

The end result of this is just a other kite meta anyway, and you know the tank best at kiting…


The only tank I trust is Blood even right now. we’ll see how that fairs later today if I even want to attempt this expansion or not.

needs removed

You said it never happens in high keys.

Personally as a low/mid key casual, I think their overall design goals they listed as a whole sound great on paper. I was reading it and thinking huh, maybe I’ll actually try healing again.

But, as we all know the actual in game result will probably miss their stated goal by a mile and be awful indeed.


High keys =/= the highest level. Using pre-made MDI teams and strats, the most extreme end of the spectrum, in a discussion like this is ridiculous and you know it.

Since it wasn’t obvious, I’m talking about pugs.

Only one way to find out.

I just find it amusing to see tanks threatening to quit over a change that they haven’t even experienced yet and then insisting they aren’t babies. :slight_smile:

I think the majority thinks “top of the reward range” when they read “high keys.”

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And pugs can do 19s. It’s the absolute top end of what’s possible in a pug, but title range has been puggable since it was implemented.

All I can say is I won’t be surprised if even more people sit out m+ past vault than usual.

I mean… Bliz tried this S1 of Shadowlands and it was terrible. Its reasonable to assume it’ll go the same way again.

Infinite scaling keeps breaking the trinity and how roles interact with each other.

It’s inherent to the system, they need to just decide on a design and stick with it.

Everything about the changes to tanks and healers is centered around mythic+.


I feel like for far too long, DKs have been shat on because our niche has been largely spread around all the tanks and arguably better by some tanks while we’ve lacked the raw mitigation they enjoyed. Tanks having niches are good.

DKs should be the undisputed self sustain tank followed by druids. Prot paladins should be 3rd with less self healing but much stronger group healing. The stated changes look extremely aggressive though that even mid tiers of content are likely going to be incredibly painful to transition to (not to mention the scores of bad/lazy healers who cry to be more useful and/or more of a healbot but really just want to be an follow afk lootbot while 4 other people clear the place for them)

I have no faith Blizzard is going to get tuning right at the start but do absolutely trust that they’ll react as they normally do with sledgehammer nerfs and/or buffs. It won’t be enough to dispel the early stigmas of whose “viable/unviable” by spreadsheet dork standards, but content the literal 99% are meant to be capable of doing will be doable with more or less reasonable success.

People need to also remember Blizzard will always err on the side of people being weak and/or encounters being too strong because they want the option to tune accordingly vs buffing an encounter after the fact. Some no life mythic tryhard raiders no doubt are chomping at the bit to reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee about the handful of times encounters got harder via tuning and/or bug fixes after some prominent kill got done after the fact.

I like how they look at the shortage of tanks and decide to nerf tanks. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I’m of the mind that the game isn’t and shouldn’t be balanced around prestige areas of the game like keys outside of the reward range.

If things get harder for people in 19 keys the majority is never going to notice it. If it becomes impossible to do a 10 then you have a problem.

If this change makes it more fun to play in 10s but less fun for people in 19s…well…net benefit to the game, sorry.

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Tank Tuning in The War Within - In Development / The War Within Beta Test - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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Everyone should need Everyone in the group. It’s a team game not a solo game and it should be balanced around that.


Looks like we’re back to our s1 shadowlands kite meta

If making tanks immortal and letting healers spend the majority of the run DPSing didn’t balance out the queue numbers, I don’t think anything ever will. Might as well make tank and healer feel more like a classic MMO again.