Tanks Shouldn't need healers, there are DPS for that

This whole debate is a byproduct of mythic plus, which has been one of the greatest successes and failures by Blizzard. Healers should have to heal the tank (not spam 24/7) and if tanks feel required to kite mobs…then maybe you’re pulling too much to actually tank (a fault of the mythic+ timer).

These changes aren’t gutting tanks as some people in the community believe. This game is an MMO. That means you do have to play with, and sometimes rely on, other human beings who exist in the world. Learn to cope people.


From someone that plays all three roles the feeling is mutual. I side-eye every tank in pugs expecting them to be a troll that needlessly complicates the run so they can look better on the meters because they legit do not have to care about the rest of the group.


I actually have a little macro I use to signal when I need a healer to intervene and help. Otherwise, leave me alone.

Tanks do rely on their team. When they’re doing giga pulls, they are relying on their DPS friends to nuke the mobs as fast as they can. They’re relying on cc to happen and for the healer to keep the DPS alive so the mobs can die. Tanks stand there and pop their CDs being self-reliant for the purpose of relying on the rest to get it done.

So, yes, every role relies on each other in some way - it doesn’t need to be receiving heals.

Sorry I’m not reading that macro. When you meet the floor it’s a you issue 100% of the time with current design.

Level 58 DK forum alt.

Opinion Discarded.

I’ve hit the floor 3 times in 1000 keys.
and all 3 of them were 100% a me problem because I got out of death strike range.

Not always. There are a few tank buster mechanics that require special attention. The fireball boss in RLP is a good example, some tanks struggle with her tank buster ability. Also during massive pulls they will sometimes run out of CDs and need some extra help, that’s fine. If the tank is needing that kind of attention too often though, they’re doing something wrong.

Pulled too much. Tank fail.

Wasted CDs. Tank fail.

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The ONLY boss that ever scared me was the Tree in DHT on anything above a 20 Tyrannical. I never got stonescale, so I had to make sure I could DS my butt off to live, and even then sometimes needed a healer CD on the second throw.

As a rule of thumb for me content is more fun when its failure is caused by gradual accumulation of mistakes than mathematical facts.

Not being able to live / heal / beat DPS checks being the reason for failure kinda sucks. Especially if it comes with no path forward.

Not to mention healers getting stretched between group damage and constant tank maintenance isn’t going to be much fun for the healers either, given both of those things are going to scale independently of eachother.

Why is it always the nightbornes or mages with the biggest egos and cooked attitudes

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I disagree. That’s called triage. That it comes across as weird to you, is weird to me. It is why, as a DPS, you avoid damage. Because the healer is only going to get to you after they got to themselves and the tank.

The tank shouldn’t spike like DPS standing in fire, but there should be a timer on how long you can ignore them too. Making that timer infinite isn’t the answer.

It means you can just focus on DPS doing dumb things, and gives a free pass to the tank doing dumb things. Or at best, leaves you so bored you devolve into a 4th DPS slot. It boggles me healers want that.

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Lol, you harsh! Maybe I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m blamed.

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This dude is why I play blood lmfao.
“Wasted cds” jokes on you bb I dont have a CD on my main one. VB always rollin

Sorry but it’s true. Tanks are the most babied role in this game and yet the biggest drama queens and throwers of blame.


Not even remotely. Tanks ain’t babied at all LMFAO
Also unhide your profile unless you hiding that you have 0 progression on anything endgame

There is some nuance.

When self healing is so high it out paces damage intake it means you are invincible even by yourself.

High damage mitigation without self heals means you die eventually without external heals.

DF tanks are the former. I’m not sure which way I’d like the game to go, but mitigation and self healing have differences. Similar to healers that prevent damage vs heal it back up, they aren’t the same.


Right, let me tell Khajin the Undying (2nd to last boss in HOI) to just stop doing her unavoidable rot dmg the entire time. Let me tell Teera and Maruuk to skip over the DPS when they do the Gale Winds attack. Let me tell Veximus in AA to never target DPS with mana orbs and stick it only on the tank. Yeah right.

You are not understanding that there is so much unavoidable damage in M+. Even with health pots, stones, and defensives, they will still need a lot of healing. That’s just how M+ is designed.

So, again, if you want a norm of tanks being babied by the healer, the burden of healing DPS NEEDS to be lifted. Nothing other than 100% avoidable damage, which is absolutely nothing like it is now.

Surely you’re not including BDK in this comment, right?

No, it doesn’t. If the tank does dumb things, the tank is going to die. They’re going to get brutalized in one hit if they aren’t playing properly.

Rarely happens. In fact, I’d say this never happens in high keys. There’s either a boss fight going on, or a giga pull happening, and neither of those situations lead to healer boredom.

They already stated in the post that they intended on easing up on group damage given this change. This argument is moot.