Tanks Shouldn't need healers, there are DPS for that

Very good way of explaining it.
A problem actively ‘‘avoided’’ is a problem “fixed”

I think a blue a while back described scenarios of trolling, one of them being where the OP does the hit and run thing.
Not necessarily trolling every time, but something to look out for, I guess

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I wish more people had the brain to understand this. So many people who get into this discussion flunked math and just don’t understand negative numbers I guess.

Tanks should have very limited mitigation. Enough to smooth out incoming damage at best. This over focus on mitigation abilities wasn’t an issue when they had to fight for threat, maybe we need to look at that again. The day of the meat shield was a more fun time to be a tank. When you had to trust your healer and your health pool. And everyone had to trust in your ability to force enemies to focus on you.

I think it’s good design to have each person reliant on the group to complete the dungeon.

It’s a group activity after all. Work as a team to accomplish something each person could not do on their own.

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which changes are you talking about? as far I can tell, BDK’s self-heals have only gotten more powerful in TWW, in addition to absorb shields and armor boosts.

Ok well it’s a good thing they don’t then I guess?

Blizzard plan to implement sweeping changes in TWW to change that.

It’s going to be awful for m+.

If you don’t like having to rely on a healer while tanking, do you like tanking or do you like healing? The whole issue is people shouldn’t be doing both in this gametype.

has significantly negatively impacted this game. I’m all for a Diablo style game, where 1 player can do it all. But in Diablo. IMO D4 should have been played over the shoulder wtith a M+ game style and everyone has healing tanking and dps abilities. Then players such as yourself, who don’t want to rely on someone else, have a place to go with the content you like.

We’ll see. I think tanks have been playing with God Mode activated for too long so I’m willing to let Blizzard try to end that.

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I play blood and bear.
I play them both soley bc for most of TWW I’ve been able to be totally sustainable solo if something happens in a key.
The moment I have to rely on a healer, I want to quit the class. It is why I went to healing, so I can at least somewhat enjoy being self sustainable again.
If I have to even remotely rely on a healer, I will quit tanking.
Seems how TWW is going for me, I found so much stuff I liked finally in DF, and it’s totally getting gutted playstyle wise in TWW.

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Pretty much nerfing tanks so they need healers. Which is okay, but some of us have picked an entire class and spec for years because we don’t want to do that, we enjoyed the play style. I’ll personally be deleting my tank and switching over to dps until I get bored and unsub haha.

You can thank the folks like OP who think healers are ‘bored’ for this kind of change.

And I guess tanks have been pretty OP for a while now. The burden of healing the tank has been shifted drastically to healing yourself and the DPS in an extreme game of whack-a-mole with HP bars the entire key.

I’m really not a fan of the idea of having to heal the tank. Not at all. But we’ll see how it is. The healer community is very outspoken and will raise hell if it’s going in the wrong direction.

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it seems as if all specs except for BDK will have self heals based on attack power rather than % of health pool, with the significant exception of BDK which looks like it still will heal based upon recent damage taken. I don’t understand what is changing for BDK that is turning you off.

The blood shield change is my problem, and the fact that I can’t just DS 2-3 times to heal myself up to full now.
I play all 3 DK specs, so having interchangeable stats is what I enjoyed about blood. But now since the mastery is nerfed, it’ll prolly be a haste/vers or crit/vers angle, so Ill have to make 2 gear sets now.
Meanwhile Bear (at least from what I’ve read) will be horrificlly squishy.

That is so weird. Has this always been your opinion? Do you not see how this breaks the holy trinity? Why exactly do you not like healing the tank?

I’ve seen some really bad healers over the years. Healer is the role that is very easy to “hide” as a bad player.

Some many keys were still timed even with the healer dying every pull, letting people die left and right due to lack of healing (Number of times I seen DPS die in throne of the tides due to the healing absorb, even after using all their defensive/pots, receiving no healing at all… yup)

Now you’re telling me that my OWN survivability will be in the hands of healers?


Been watching the push tournament. There is no damage, only deaths.

The game appears to be broken at that level of mythic+

Because the amount of damage myself and the 3 DPS are taking is extremely high and occupies me for the entire key. Throw in having to baby the tank and you’re going to have healers quitting.

Pick one: baby the tank, or baby the rest. We cannot do both.

This is my EXACT issue.
I do not trust healers at all, specially in PUGs.

From a healers point of view, that goes both ways, only they also don’t trust the DPS not to stand in the fire, either.