Tanks, Please Slow Down

Tanks are required to pull mobs, do routes, and stand where they are supposed to. That’s it.

They are never expected to top interupts. They’re just expected to use them sometimes.

Threat generation is basically automatic. Defensives are just part of the role.

I heal, dps, and tank. Tanking is the easiest role in the game.

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In high mplus yes they are expected to be one of the highest interupts. And trying to keep threat off something like a 617 99% parsing fury warrior or ret paladin with extreme front loaded burst can absolutely rip off any tank if you dont know what youre doing

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Why imo Blizzard needs to really build on follower dungeons. The go, go, go rush bs could be avoided entirely if a player chooses. Rushing through dungeons has always been a thing. Granted in the early days the group would have to well over geared them to be able to do it mostly, not so much nowadays. Delves are a decent start I guess but feel more like a little scenario, than an actual dungeon.


This thread is an example of why tanking for pugs is misery.

Pull slower? DPS start pulling random things and it’s your fault if they die.

Pull faster? DPS and/or heals whine that you are going too fast.

People die because healer issues? Believe it or not, this is also your fault.

DPS didn’t kick and died? Also the tanks fault.


I would put that into consideration if the healer is honest about that fact up front. If I have to find out after 3-5 wipes that you’re learning, you’re getting the boot lol

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The problem is tanks can usually survive it. When I heal I go my pace, if the tank rushes on ahead and survives then great, if they don’t maybe they’ll learn to be a bit more aware.

He doesn’t speak for all healers, because that means he’d be speaking for me… he doesn’t, I am 100% okay with how the game is played atm and it’s neither lack of empathy or lack of comprehension, it’s being realistic. You can’t just expect four people to bend for you that don’t know you.

Feather is pretty low cooldown and pretty sure it has multiple stacks… but yea priest is pretty immobile, I also will never feel bad for a tank that runs so far ahead knowing his healer ain’t there to bail him out.

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I agree that i hope tanks would go slower, yet, they are the tank. Fortunately, i currently play a hunter, so all i do is stay out of fire, set pets to target, and avoid damage;
while I keep up with the tank.

Follower dungeons is bad teaching tool. They don’t teach anyone what other players do. They don’t accommodate for player mistakes from others.

They don’t teach anyone what happens when a tank rushes and pulls the entire dungeon and cause a wipe 20 times when your a dps or healer.


tanks move fast because if they don’t, many groups will just boot them or pull for them…and that is so stressful. I see it all the time.

As a healer, I tell dps that if they pull for tank without consent, they are on their own.


And that is exactly why there is a tank shortage. No one finds the threat of a vote kick enjoyable.


If communication doesn’t help, kick, the group should have the same outlook on pace

Spoken like someone who takes offense to the subject. It’s group content and part of the job of a tank is to set a pace that EVERYONE in the GROUP can handle. Not allowing the other four people in the dungeon to at least catch up “physically” is bad tanking and bad gameplay.


Well if you like and it frustrates you kick it to the curb and wait for a tank that will help instead of being selfish running around screaming look at me I am fast tank weeeeeee.

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So. I went and did it.

I rolled a tank.

I run behind the DPS to aggravate them.

Ever try to hide behind someone who wants to hid behind you so you both just keep walking backwards? Hilarious.


Ive just gotten to the point that if i get a DH, Monk or Warrior, i just drop group. Gimme Druid or BDK.

You can either keep up or form your own group and put “slow pace run” in the details.

You’ll get little love on the forums, but 100%. Keeping up is not hard, and this is coming from a lock.

Just gotta reposition during instant casts towards the direction you’ll be moving next.

So many people just plant their feet, 40 yards on the opposite side of where they’ll be moving to after the current pack, and just turn into a turret.

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Have you ever played a Priest? As another poster said, every tank except maybe Paladins have considerably higher mobility than Priests. How can it possibly be “on” the player to make up for a class deficiency?

OP: you are not the only one frustrated by this. I couldn’t wait to get geared enough to do Mythics so I could say goodbye to that crap.


No, you said it yourself, you set the pace. But why should you have the right to determine what pace and in what way a group activity proceeds at? Just because you are one spec does not make you the leader. I could just as easily say that as a healer, I control what pace the groups move at, or as a dps. The fact that you can dash ahead just means you don’t care what happens to everyone else.

\You are not the kind of player I prefer to play with, and that sort of attitude is why we have so many problems now with randomized group play.

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