Tanks "healing" more than Healers is bad game design

I’ve yet to have a whole run where this happens.

Are there some trash pulls where it does? Yes.

But a run where overall the tank’s doing more than me? Haven’t seen it.

But also, who cares?


No you’re trolling, and being dishonest. I never said that the ONLY ROLE of the healer is to “do the better HPS”. Focus on the ONLY here… I’m saying that the HEALER should be the one with the BEST HEALING, obviously. Healer should DPS when healing is not needed, sure. Still, HEALERS should 100% have the best HPS. Obviously.


As a healer - I LOVE when a tank has heals.

I prefer it.


The significance of the healer is that you have a button that dispels magic effects in pve which is huge.

Your healing is also a lot better than the self-heals of a DPS so in case people get in a tight spot you can supplement and make sure they don’t die.

You bring utility and a safety net in case things go bad but a group comp is as good as the sum of its parts.

I wish blizzard embraced the concept of infinite combat rezzes through hard casts but that’s just me. That could be another healer staple if anything.


there’s nothing obvious about it. it’s an opinion you’re stating as a fact. you’re perfectly welcome to have that opinion of course!

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We’ve come full circle from “healing is too hard” back to “tanks heal too much and I don’t get to heal.”


Problem is this would trivialize content.
You need a cap or a good healer can make sure no one ever stays dead.

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And the healer is the one that is best at healing.

When it is needed.

When everyone does their thing right the healers heal will be minimal, giving you room to deal some damage in the meantime.


Not all tanks can do it, and those that do literally has their design around self heals because they can’t block.

And they all have something in common, they can only heal themselves this effectively. If the meter shows they heal more than the healer, it’s generally because group healing wasn’t required. If that’s the case, just throw a couple damage spells at the pack.

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Literally any mechanic that requires a soak for example can now be ignored. Just have one player sacrifice themselves and rez them up.

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Tbf it depends entirely on the key bracket. I can go most of a like +16 dungeon as MW not casting REAL heals outside of telegraphed raid wides (Gashtooth bleed, Crawg tantrum, Magmatusk DoT, etc.) because there straight up isn’t anything to heal besides tank damage. Brackenhide before like +20 is easily the most snoozer key as a healer because 2 bosses do 0 damage and the trash is almost all tank damage assuming things get stopped.


Sorry but you’re totally lying. I just can’t believe that you never had a run with a BDK or even a Gdruid out healing you in the overhaul. I just did a run and had a good 81k HPS overhaul, and the tank was with 115k HPS. WEIRD.

Tanks healing is fine :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I main a hpriest and it doesn’t bother me. I love it when people shine! I love it when their damage is like 70k+ overall too. I only wish my damage was comparable.

I am probably a noob, but I feel like the megadungeon shifted tanks self-sustainingness. At least I felt it on my prot pally. I am a noob though but man, that place hurts! Love it. :heart:

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I’ve done, like, three keys this whole season with BDK.

But why would I be surprised if a BDK healed more than me? The tank is going to take the most damage, and their whole kit revolves around healing themselves.

It seems like you just want groups to take more unavoidable damage, like constant ticking AOE… just so your healing bar is higher?


It’s part of their rotation. They’re barely healing the group. If my blocked damage was shown on the heal meters, I would also be higher than most healers.

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I do think some tank healing needs to be nerf. When a tank can heal over 150k hps thats a little much. But it should be replaced with like avoidance or buffing their defence do they take less damage



Aside from how it looks on the healing meters, what’s wrong with some tanks sustaining themselves via their self-healing rather than via mitigation?


I’ll take active mitigation and self heals over relying on luck.


op only cares about meters for some reason. if no one died and the key was timed you did ur job


What a great perspective!

The thought of having to go back to healing just being single targets on a tank because they can’t sustain themselves sounds like such a snooze fest.