"Tanks Have it Too Easy in Torghast" They Said

I think they want to self-identify as one… although they also want to milk us for hours in a time sink like a “free” service. It’s complicated.

Yep, and as a consequence now Tanks are punishing DPS for that by kicking them that much quicker in LFD runs. Don’t say it won’t happen, because it already is. Case and point. I was healing on a WQ and the Tank (Druid) asked me to remove 2 dps that were doing less than him citing them as and I quote: “—the same sort of scum that cause Torghast Tanking to be harder”.

I refused and so he left the group after calling out the people for the bad damage. So yeah… :+1: Congratulations on your ‘amazing’ accomplishment DPS folks. I suspect this won’t matter to most tanks, but it will matter on your dungeon que-times and those LFR runs.


Newsflash we NEED tanks to go and do the dungeons. YOU want another 3 month dungeon drought because Tanks get peeved off and boycott joining Dungeon Groups.



Oh, you words are so true.

A-hole tanks never ever called for kicks until Torghast happened…
But now… oh noes! what have we done? We suddenly made some tanks turn into jerks!? It was never like this before!


To be fair, Iʻm sure many players are more tolerant than this but a-holes will be a-holes no matter what the circumstance. If Torghast is the tipping point for a tank to turn into a jerk, well, they were always a jerk to begin with, just now the mask is slipping.

There wasn’t any intent in sarcasm. People are angry, people are less inclined to tolerate other people. In an ideal game they would work together to achieve things as a group that they could not alone. That is the core of a MMORPG experience.

Yet when you have people who perceive that their experience has been made more detrimental because others continued an ongoing campaign of screaming and nonsensical ravings, not unlike a infant on a temper tantrum; you can expect those people will be far less conciliatory or prone to forgive errors, they otherwise might.

Ulrelated, but this is also a core reason I’ve always been against PVP affecting PVE, and PVP servers in general. It brings out the worst of this nature. You can claim it doesn’t happen, but it does. It is just the nature of some humans to push through anything that gets in their way.

…Even if they don’t realize what they do will only spite or detriment them ultimately.

1st, I do applaud that you stuck to your guns against mr. Kicky McTank. Tho why you flip flopped to his side at the end confused me.

This kinda sounds like it could explain the upset feelings DPS had as well. There was a perception of inequality that was detrimental to them

Dude, you need a perma ban from these forums.

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Probably correct, but the DPS have one fact going against them. That being that they are expendable because a lion’s share of the player-base plays DPS. They can feel that way all they want, but until the game changes to not require Tanks and Healers, they are stuck and easily replaced.

Contrasting that, Tanks and Healers will always enjoy faster queues and the ability to decide if they want to Tank or Heal, because those roles are always in demand. Since they are necessary to a DPS players success, it’s a double hit where the DPS spite themselves.

I’m not upset that last week I could accomplish a level, and this week, even if I can kill it, it takes twice as long… I just rolled back a couple notches, and proceed to run it.

What I am upset about, is the game constantly being tweaked… my opinion, the time for tweaking was in beta… the game is live now, leave it alone.

Choices have consequences, I accept that… I try to plan ahead, try to play smart, set a pace, and then BAMM< Blizzard changes the game.

Some call it fixing, or balance, I call it changing the game. It makes whatever smart I did seem stupid, and makes any stupid seem smart… and it takes me out of the game.

Most of you people, did the gearing hamster wheel… normals, heroics, mythic, and now keys… of course, level 8 torghast is supposed to be a done deal, because you played the hamster wheel… meanwhile, back in the actual game, some parts which have not been changed, we’re at renown 12.

You’re pushing content… some parts of Blizzard are timegated… I’m saying, it’s not really reasonable that torghast 8 should be easy to moderate… although, Blizz did open it.

That said, hey mythic 15s should be easy too. Wait, if it’s easy, no epeen, and someone’s gonna cry. It’s too easy… reminds me of the tripe back in WoD, about welfare epics. The reason to this day, why I won’t bother with PvP, because I don’t want the welfare.

Just leave it alone Blizz… this isn’t beta.

I ran it some last night and really enjoyed it… for what it is, at least. After my extended break, I am not a hardcore player anymore and don’t expect to faceroll highend content. I don’t care about floor level bragging rights or defining my abilities as an artform in order to beat a boss – I care about the fun factor. In its earlier version, it had little to offer me and as a result, I had no interest in it. For context, I prefer to quest as a vengeance DH for now and did not want to solo as a spec I prefer not to use outside of a group.

Last night though, the anima power drops were plentiful. They were so plentiful that I no longer had to hope for a decent power here and there, but I was able to actually create a “build” around some aspect of my character’s abilities. There was enough variety that I could pick potentially less desirable powers in a combination that was fun to play. There were plenty of rares, a chest puzzle here and there – just stuff that added more variety than the middle floors previously had. I’ve little interest anymore in BiS slotting, farming, and racing for my daily/weekly rewards. I just want some casual fun and the changes made went well into that direction. For whomever all is responsible for listening to the community and making some of those changes, thank you. I personally find it much more entertaining to run now.

I just got done solo’ing Torghast on my 171 paladin without much of a problem on layer 8 in both sections in about an hour and 30 minutes. It wasn’t too bad. Granted, that’s a prot paladin, but still. I don’t think it’s too bad right now.

Yeah, it’s not so bad now. This thread was geared towards the buffs done earlier this week (and made then) before they realized that was the wrong move and nerfed everything back into the ground where it belongs. I did layer 7 as a prot warrior yesterday. Only grip was the final boss having 480k health by himself and spawning adds. Put up quite a challenge but made it.

Bro don’t u have a job? Or two? AND KIDS? How are u on the forums so much? :crazy_face::pleading_face: