Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Big pulls!


This change has nothing to do with pull size, but a lot of casters that deal damage by laying down ground based aoes might get pushed out of the meta.

Pull sizes will be significantly reduced by the (warranted) dh sigil nerfs though, unless a group comp can match that level of cc or the mobs start doing less abilities then the big pulls are already gone long before these tank changes.


You left of bell curves think this. The reality is in real content levels, tanks aren’t zerging ahead pulling things only they can solo while the party is in an endless death spiral. Timers still matter and it’s just plain more efficient to have all 4/5 bodies there hitting things than a rambo tank.

Someone blitzing a normal/heroic dungeon is not real content and it will still happen once people even get a modicum of gear just like tanks are still going to be soloing and wittling down bosses (especially non tyrannical ones) if/once the 4 other people die.

What this really means is the growing pains will suck more than they will and doing mid to somewhat upper tier of content just becomes more difficult or tedious. Tanks aren’t going to suicide wipe their groups pulling 3-4 packs if it isn’t viable. Also the “hate” is going to fall on the healers because they are now the point of failure if/when the tanks die. Now the healbot healer who was responsible for 4 or MAYBE 4.1 people (for the rare times a tank needs actual time/dedication) is now squarely 4.5+. Now if/when I die, instead of me going “dang I guess I got too big for my britches” it’s “wake the heck up healer and do your job”. (I mean not really since I’m not like that but it’s a viable argument nonetheless).


Yeah but unfortunately in pug groups lots of tanks don’t think like that which is the reason I think this change is good. In many bricked keys it’s usually the tanks fault for over pulling, everyone dies and they simply just dc.


It’s not a good change. The change is to kneecap tanks, so there will be fewer tanks, and we will have a shortage. Which… Honestly, will be very funny to see the “tank shortage” threads cropping up by the same people supporting removing all tank agency, but I’d rather have a well-designed game than laugh at people on the forums. Unfortunately Blizzard decided to tune everything before massive gameplay changes.


I can’t comment on what is “best” for the game or what tanks “should” do, but I can say that I really enjoy the state of tanking in general and Blood DKs specifically. I enjoy being self responsible for my own survivability. It is fun mico-managing my death strikes to get my HP back up just as an attack lands. Its fun managing cooldowns in order to take larger and larger pulls, or timing a specific cooldown for when a mob does its big attack. I feel like there is a large amount of skill expression possible in the role.

Its a whole lot less fun to fail as a tank due to no fault of my own. Having to yell for heals as I’m dying is no fun.

I’m all for having tank damage be less spiky (its pretty bad as a blood dk honestly…) but I worry that this route removes a lot of my agency and control and is a step back towards the “passive tanking” days of Wrath and earlier.

I can’t help but think there are other areas of synergy for a tank and healer outside of a tank’s basic survivability. External mitigation cooldowns are cool. The way evoker’s make tanks tankier… i’m forgetting what its called… earth something… is neat. I dunno, there are tons of creative minds at blizzard, be creative!


This won’t change those types. The dummy who is wearing paper but thinks because he watched a video of a “sick pull” so obviously he can do it too isn’t going to be thwarted in his delusional dreams. It is going to mean that the folks who are beyond queue content but don’t care/aspire to be 0.01% competitors is getting screwed.

And what even fewer are capable of forseeing is how this really is going to negatively affect healers…ESPECIALLY the healers who are lazy pure healbot only healers. Their inherent laziness and lack of skill is going to manifest in perfectly capable tanks now forced to rely more on them and when they couldn’t even manage to handle 4 people while weaving in DPS, now they got someone whose going to yoyo like a badly played DK and now the onus is on them to handle it.

And woe be to ACTUAL bad DKs who now isn’t even going to be able to survive on just pooling RP and mashing DS. They won’t even yoyo…they’ll just have their string cut altogether.


They nerfed healers to the point they no longer matter, the only reason healers were in the great push this time around is because they enforced it and yet healers still exist and I’m pretty sure tanks will continue to exist just not the ones not willing to learn to actually protect their group.

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Good thing that’s never been the case. Hence why we have been able for a while now to even outpace enraged timers for a certain extent. That aside raw hps has never been a failure point as things such as defensives and major cds have more power tied into them than actual hps does.

Healer nerf was pretty bad, can’t imagine anyone disagreeing. Committing to that, but on tanks, is equally bad. This is going to drive people away from tanking, like the healer nerfs throughout DF drove people away from healing.


Infinite scaling has pretty much thrown the largest wrench into the basic elements of the trinity the game has ever seen.

All of their back and forth with tanks and healers is 100% based on trying to balance 1000% damage differences in an infinite scaling system. Raids and PvP just sit on the outside looking in.

And I enjoy mythic+, it’s fun, but trying to constantly tweak everything over the obvious natural imbalance of an extremely lazy blanket % hp and damage infinite scaler modifier has obviously taken center stage.


they do not know what to do about healers in m+, but are modifying the other roles to meet their vision, however their past attempts have failed so not too positive

raid healing felt boring to me, just scripted cd cycling, but at least there isn’t scaling and tighter group comp to work around

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I would rather keep the tank alive including dps of course instead of twiddling my thumbs.

At least after this change you may run into less suicidal tanks.


Good one! I lol’d big time!

Just make tanks unable to die to melee attacks, and gut their self-healing.

They’ll be DPS with positioning abiliites… but then I guess, people will enlist plate dps instead of using a tank.

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I’ve gotten title twice; I’ve done plenty of high keys.

The tank will pull around their own, and their DPS’s, CDs and outside of specific pulls the healer can literally be drinking for the first 10 seconds of most pulls and there won’t be an issue.


That’s the thing with lots of tanks, they chain pull and not give their healer the ability to drink. Obviously, the tank in your group pulled after he saw the healer drinking.

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Reinforcing the group dynamic in group content is “the exact opposite of what [Blizzard] should be doing”? Weird take, but okay.


Saying this game is the “Holy Trinity” is actually dumb because with a support role IE Aug Evoker, that goes out the window.