Tanks don't want to rely on healers

I agree, this way when I’m tanking I can pass all blame over to the healer for when I die.

DPS don’t want to rely on healers either.


This is exactly right.

Any tank that quits as a result of this change is not a tank that gives an iota about the rest of the group and should not be missed.


So you want to be an immortal god who doesn’t need anyone else?


Again it’s critical mass. Between all the tools the rest of the group has to reduce or prevent the damage that is supposed to be unavoidable reduces the healers ability to perform their role of covering for that damage.

maybe a bad tank that didn’t time his CD right by not trusting the healer would heal them?

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Doubtful on that one.

The only characters I play are Healers, usually I play at the same time as my spouse who plays the Tank, we make an unstoppable team, I know my Tanks moves and tactics, its a blast

Blizz only knows how to do surgery with a chainsaw, of course it’ll be SL S1 all over again. Especially since they waited till the last minute to do this instead of at the beginning of beta.


What I like about this thread is that people playing healers are praising the changes without realizing they have been nerfing healing on beta at the same time lol.


Either way that still leads us into the other part of the post of: Doesn’t that just make DPS rely on healers and still makes a weak healer a failure point of the group?

Which are things tanks in this thread are saying aren’t fun.


I think it just needs balanced a little more than it currently is. Tanks are nearly invincible and there really isn’t a reason for that. The speed of what we should be able to move should be determined more around how much dps the dps are doing instead of what tanks can handle. As is, tanks can pull a lot and the rest of the team will suffer much more than the tank. This I think, creates sort of an uneven balance between the group.

No reason for that either.

I don’t understand why they would do that.

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I don’t care now.
If I die, it is the healer’s fault.

Thanks, Blizzard. Back to Vanilla WoW.


Not as such, to be clear im not against shifting things a bit back the other way but bliz need to be a lot more careful than they have been the previous times they’ve attempted this.

The difference is there’s recourse, or an avenue to prevent the problem. If you just get number checked by your tank falling over because you cant get the bar up whilst dealing with the damage the group is taking that’s a lot less fun.


You must have never played or watched a group in high keys. The tank always makes sure the healer is ready before continuing to pull, this means the healer controls the pace of the game, the tank only enforces it.


3K tank player, I play every tank spec, I’m not the best but I’m better than basics.

As far as M+ goes, the size of the pulls will continue to be determined by how well the squishiest members of your party can survive through use of defensives or cc and not tank survivability same as always - this is a well designed way for tanks to rely on their group for survivability.

Tanks will still be in control of the damage they take, but just resort to kiting more to give the healer time to heal.

The problem is that nobody has fun when tanks have to kite.

We’ve seen this style of changes multiple times throughout the history of the game and it’s always been bad, this philosophy is a tried and true way to ruin M+ in an expansion à la Shadowlands. The game is just more fun when tanks can stand still.

People thinking this change will affect their lfg runs don’t understand just how much tanks would have to be nerfed in order to not be able to solo lfg dungeons - even healers can solo lfg dungeons.

Geared tanks will continue to solo pull entire LFG dungeons and low M+ as long as Blizzard keeps giving them reasons to be there. - These nerfs are not close to enough to stop that behavior in such trivial content.


There’s a bright side to this.

When the group goes down, and the boss is at 1/3rd health, the tank can no longer keep the party hostage as it does minimal damage for the next 10, 15, 20m “killing the boss”.

Healer dies, the clock starts – and it’s timer is short.


I think the bright side to this, tanks will think twice before pulling more than the group can handle. Nowadays, they pull based on what they think they can handle.


And healers don’t want to rely on dps but here we are.


I’m sorry for your tank but I’m happy for your healer.