Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Tanks should never be 100% self sufficient.


Said no trinity-based game in the history of gaming


Just insta-kill tanks if they get more than 40 yards from enemies they have aggro on.
Also give them rez sickness for 24 hours.

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So, making class roll tuning to more where people have to work in a group means tanks are going to run ahead while DPS and healers are still at the start of the dungeon…

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Nah geared tanks are still going to steamroll low end content because that’s an overgearing problem not a design problem.



But what if I run with my tank homies?

Umm… no, it has literally always been the tank.


He is referring to mana and CDs I believe. He isn’t wrong.


Imagine someone looking at the current state of the tank where tanks are instant queue so they’re the bottleneck and deciding the solution to this problem is an across the board nerf of every tank spec 6 days before the prepatch.

I play tank spec sometimes, mainly for the instant queue. What you notice in PUGs is that many healers suck. You really don’t know what a given healer can handle in terms of pulls. The number of times a healer has with no notice gone to get something out of the microwave or to go on a bio break is beyond counting. And then the group wipes, wasting everybody’s time. Plus, to make things “hard” tanks are at constant risk of being two shot if they don’t use their mitigation.

And the solution is to make tanks MORE fragile?

I only really do TW dungeons (on any spec) because they tend to be chill. Not always. But even Heroic dungeons are worse. You get yelled at for not knowing some skip in a PUG on week 1. Or not knowing some mechanics because you didn’t read every boss mechanic for the dungeon you RANDOMLY get put in. TBC/WotLK TW dungeons tend to be popular because they’re more straightforward without annoying RP and instant death mechanics.


As a tank I do not like this.
As a healer I do.

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than this is the wrong game to play. holy trinity aint going nowhere.

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Then is the word you are looking for.

When tanks were unstoppable they would pull entire dungeons in a single pull and make the rest of the group hate life. Now that tanks will rely more on healers tanks claim they will quit.

There is no winning.


I don’t know, I’m pro-pull everything. I got stuff to do, need to speed this junk up!


if blizzard really wanted to they could tune the mobs so they would go back to the level of threat they were in original tbc. or worse.


They do in M+.

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The difference isn’t so much the level of threat as it is the level of tools / answers we now have to deal with them. AoE tanking was barely a thing in TBC at least early on, and the idea of using CC to reduce incoming damage from mobs whilst in combat with them was unheard of.

If tanks are getting weaker so that the healers can dedicate their time to healing, does this mean that the threads trashing healers for not dps’ing will go away?


Let them quit. We don’t need tanks that run ahead and pull the whole dungeon (outside of Remix, or extremely overgearing the content).