Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Pulling more than one pack at a time is not ‘Benny Hill speed.’ I dunno, man, I guess you win with this change. I’m certain I’m not alone in wanting to move through dungeons slightly faster than a glacier, though.

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As much as I understand that feeling wildly overpowered amongst other players “feels good” it really unbalances the game and would mean ta ks would be able to solo content from the start of an expac, just slower than if they went with a group.

This is like a DPS asking for CDs to be taken off spells because it would feel more fun.

TBC dungeons felt so good because you had to plan how to take down groups of mobs. CC was important. Now it’s just people face rolling through mobs and never stopping. The game sucks when it tries to be an action game. It’s way better as an RPG.


Me either, but if people are going to expect tanks to be the leader, not discuss plans before starting, and yolo through doing whatever, I’m not going to put all the blame on the tank if they’re still doing stuff to get aggro.

Real solution is to start finding groups with a similar play style and goals, then nobody’s fun needs to be nerfed.

To each their own, but hard cc and kill one mob at a time was a lot more tedious than feels good.

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To me if felt like you had to actually play the game as intended. Now the meta is running around any bit of exploitable terrain, pulling five packs at a time and barely paying attention to the actual game world. Having to play with intention is generally more fun for me.


It takes a whole lot more understanding of your kit and the rest of the groups to be able to do those big pulls than it did for everyone to hit a hard CC and just remember to refresh it until it was that mobs turn to die.

Knowing sheep/sap/trap vs having to know how many kicks, how frequently, who’s kicking what, group CDs, account for affixes, kill %, and time.

Still very intentional, just in a different way.

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Thats funny if you think any of the dps are helping with any of that.

They cant be bothered to get out the fire let alone help with interrupts now as they spam aoes. Cant have their meters suffer by wasting a cd on non damage abilities.

None of us should have huge heals it should be a healer’s job to heal period let tanks tank and dps dps if they removed the instant heal buttons etc from dps i wouldn’t complain at all about it


OP is vastly incorrect and Remix shows why.

Ever be in a group where the toxic and obnoxious tank runs away from the entire group and solos the instance and the rest of the party doesn’t get boss kills etc.?

Yea, I kick people from the group as soon as it’s clear they are doing that and its going to cost the group quest credit. Don’t listen to OP.


In remix, you still get all boss loot and experience when tanks, or whomever, runs ahead and solos the dungeon/raid. If you don’t like the carry(man I sure love it) then quietly leave group and queue for another one. :heart:

Way to miss the point?

You don’t get quest kills if you aren’t in range.

Your point wasn’t clear so I guess I just can’t read minds?

You mentioned remix, I easily leveled up to 70 on a couple of toons in a handful of hours without being grumpy over being occasionally carried. I actually made sure to thank the people who did the carrying.

Never once did I have an issue where I missed out on something amazing because I wasn’t fast enough and missed out on the 2 second boss kill. I still got the loot and still finished every quest given at the beginning of the various dungeons without any problem. :woman_shrugging:

If tanks want to be autonomous, perhaps they should simply queue the solo dungeons with NPC support.

Or, maybe they should farm legacy raids? I like doing that for transmog.

As we have seen very clearly, any mechanics / situations that create any time delay for geared people / someone that thinks they are being inconvenienced, causes toxic behaviour (pug anything, M+, raids, discovery, remix…)

By no means should tanks be autonomous, or not dependent on healers for current state content, as that will just cause more toxic group behaviour.


There are some really poor healers out there though if you can even call them that. Found out recently there’s a weak aura that tells people when to heal and they set it at 20% health or something and spend the whole time doing damage. I’ve seen it numerous times myself of sitting low and only getting heals when I’m on the brink of death. And these are the people we’re going to have to rely on

Then go solo old content instead of participating in group content

Go play classic then

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Right. So…how does that jive with your next paragraph?

You don’t think tanks are gonna feel inconvenienced when they get a bad healer that can’t keep them alive?


Can you even use timerunning bandages on other players?

No. Heals the caster.

If you think tanks are toxic now, just wait’ll they die because the Pain supp was 1-2 seconds too slow. Have fun coordinating CCs in discord for a +9 and then getting flamed due to a simple misunderstanding that got the group wiped.

Every time the game starts to get fun blizzard does something like this, ruins an entire archetype, and fixes it multiple patches later after everyone has left the game. Then they break something else and repeat the cycle.

Nerfs should be a last resort, not their go-to. Classes should play functionally the same today as they did 5 years ago and 5 years in the future. If you want new playstyles then introduce new classes or specs, don’t change existing ones.

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