Tanks don't want to rely on healers

All this sounds like to me is that we’re going back to a kite meta…


Classic is that way if you want the old school

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Well blizz killed your precious trinity with aug so…

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Infinite scaling + timed combat always means a kite meta is possible unless tanks are invincible or the packs deal so much unavoidable party damage you can’t chain them together.

In a way tanks kind of luck out in that if their survivability is ever the weak link they can just kite to remove it.

It’s not that I don’t want to rely on healers, it’s that I want to take some of the pressure off of them. I mained blood dk in s4 for that reason. Healer would have the opportunity to focus more on the group health and not the tank health as much.

Coming from maining rdruid for almost a decade, I understand the position. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of pugs are brain dead. Dps stand in anything and everything and/or the tank doesn’t use defensives. Healers already have it rough, they don’t need anymore extra stress.

However, since I’ve been seriously tanking since s3 (prot warrior), I’ve also come across some bad heals and that’s another reason that lead me to blood dk. Since I pug 100% of the time, I have to be self-reliant. These tank changes are a bummer to say the least.

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We’re not concerned with the demon hunters anymore. We’re more concerned with the rest of the tanks!

Do not be closed minded. If you played vanilla you should already know what it would look like. Only difference would be the increasing gold cost of changing sapec. Also, i would be confident to say that most tanks already change to dps when solo.

Closed minded is expecting people to be a tank for your groups and not when they want to do anything else. But if it’s ok for us to have to switch, you should be ok with having to do it yourself.

Ah, you do not even know what closes minded is. To be opened minded is to sincerely consider the thoughts and ideas of others. Which you did not hence closed minded. All I said is that I would be OK with it, specially to avoid damage mitigation nerfs like they are planning. Anyway, if you are not in a group who would you be tanking for? It is a job role that is most beneficial in groups because its original design was for groups.

True, though it depends on when kiting goes from being helpful to being required. It’s a different scene if kiting becomes required at +5 than at +15. It means that the vast majority of tanks will have to kite instead of really just those at the top.


It’s not required to be in a group, I enjoy the play style.

I was hanging out with a bunch of tanks and most of them don’t even want to tank anymore. Some only do it because it’s the only way they can see content. If a tank cant tank, heal and do top notch DPS whats the use? I mean, that hunter pet can tank.

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Healers do somewhat heal the tank, but that’s not what all this is about. If a tank’s agency over their own survival isn’t in their own hands, they’re not going to pull as aggressively. Doing M+ one pack at a time sounds awful, from a DPS perspective.


DPS already expect the tank to do all the work and now you want to cry its not fast enough.

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as a tank spec, i love seeing a healer in my group healing me. it’s wonderful and makes the group keep moving along, what sucks is… im fairly new to retail and some healers I noticed are too impatient and run ahead thinking they can solo everything and forget to do the one job the signed up for… healing.

The only time I have died in the game is tanking a random dungeon finder group and the healer does everything except heal me. Its frustrating


Yes, and failing to establish aggro on the mobs they’ve left behind…forgetting that the healer put a shield or HoT on them before they started running…and DPS who do not know what the tank is doing.

Then the healer has to stop, throw heals out on DPS who should have been running, then consequently draws aggro. At which point, is then unable to get to the tank that (with the changes) is now getting smacked around.

It is not as noticeable in lower level content, but it’s the disregard for others that is toxic. People are running and following - but that shield or HoT healers put on tanks before they run off is causing mobs to aggro to them.

Nevermind the aggro that DPS have pulled by blasting away at some random crap. It’s completely fun!

What are you talking about, man. I’m saying they should revert these tanks nerfs to maintain the pulls we have now. The -last- thing I want is to burden tanks with another awful kiting meta or haveto deal with one pack at a time dungeons. Who has fun with that?


This definitely happens, but the tank really can’t help everyone else doing the wrong thing in the situation either.

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I want to do one pull at time tanking, I absolutely hate what M+ has done to tanking making everybody try to play these dungeon at Benny Hill speed. It annoys the hell out of me that the healer will start pulling extra groups if you don’t go fast enough, we’ve always had bad DPS running ahead and forcing you to save them all the time but now the healers are acting this way as well.

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No, but they can certainly pay attention. I tank. I pay attention. I don’t run off and just do F-all…others do not. It annoys me a great deal when I play a healing class (as a main tank) and see this type of poor tanking.