Tanks don't want to rely on healers

I try to balance both, but on my holy priest I am having a blast hitting 500k on bug pulls. Almost hit 200k overall in AA twice. This is only this season though really and not the norm.

When I switch to my rdruid I am less than 50k overall and I feel like I have the same cadence of healing/dps’ing. Maybe more healing since that toon is lower ilvl.

When I switch to my evoker I might get close to 100k overall. Same thing. Same amount of engagement in the key, different results. Evoker is only a tad lower than priest.

Not pushing keys though. I might make 2.8k this season just by naturally goofing off with people I know. Maybe. Who cares lol.

I have never been yelled at for being idle. I am suspicious of this even being a real thing. I have spammed heals to lower CDs and sometimes wonder if pugs think I am loopy, but there was a reason for it as I was preparing for incoming damage and holy words are important for those.

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I wouldn’t yell at someone for it, people who idle as healers aren’t in the keys that need the healer’s dps to succeed.

I have seen my healer friends laughing at people who idle as healer though.

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stop overreacting, tanks being slightly less strong is fine.
Blizzard: tanks should not be able to solo dungeon bosses
Just stop.


Thankfully you aren’t calling the shots here.

Was it about your name? Maybe they wanted to know what it means. While we’re on topic, exactly what does your name mean?

Must be named after the frozen PBJ sandwich things


Now that you say that, I have had 1 comment while healing on my priest(disc at the time) in season 3 by a dps who said his rdruid did way more dps than me overall. Was an odd flex as we skadooshed the key, but owell.

I do find that I look at healer dps often when playing other roles so I cannot get on that person’s case. However, I do also understand that not all healer dps is the same and my dps being less than a title pushing healer that plays in a static group is like a “well duh,” moment.

I was always getting hammered on the Mueh’Zalah fight for not bringing enough dps in the coffin stage. I wasn’t being idle either, I was doing what I could. Other players would eat a cleave box or death cone at the very start, forcing me to pop my biggest CDs because we needed them to stay alive and actually make it to the coffins. So when I’d port with tank, shifting into boomy or cat and ripping convoke wasn’t available. This xpac I think it was the trash before Everbloom was the pain point I got the most snotty responses about in groups. Everyone would fail to move out of those frost bombs from trash packs, so I was constantly cleaning up that damage and never had my bigger push ready for Arch Mage Sol. Which, if people weren’t careful they’d eat deaths simply because I had only my basic tool kit left to give and the faster we focused her down the better to control massive swaths of AoE.

The simple truth is, players don’t want to rely on one another, if they could be tank, dps and heals all wrapped in one and hero smash through it at their own pace, to their own preference they would. Teamwork in itself is a skill, which you have to cultivate through patience, watching one another’s resources, and utilizing good communication and planning. Which is too much effort. It’s easier to hulk-smash-run who cares where everyone else is at? Loot GG /leave party.

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Is there already a tank shortage? Time to let the hunters, rogues and healers tank, and heal too. and also DPS. …and bard?? :wink:

Nah, the problem for DKs is that Blizz is not just nerfing Death Strike, but also altering the gameplay of how you use it. People like being able to Death Strike twice in a row against big damage hits/bursts.

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No you don’t.

Nobody says a thing to the healers because anytime somebody even hints at a suggestion you rage quit the group or kill people.


Well it appears we are both on opposite sides of the experience spectrum. Sounds like a human conundrum.

Oh man I vaguely remember that fight. I think I was still dps’ing at that point on my priest so I don’t understand the pain of it. Plus I was new to the dungeon scene as I was mostly a quester before that.

I am super bad at dps’ing on my rdruid. Can’t figure out kitty weaving to save my life and boomie healer dps is sooooo bad. I can look at the end of dungeon casts of wrath, moonfire, and sun fire and be impressed with how many times I clicked it. And then see overall I pulled 30k dps lol.

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Is this meant to be some kind of “gotcha”?
Weird seeming attitude to come in with ngl dude.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and answer seriously though.
For the record it was for “getting hit by the beam” on first boss Dawnbreaker (the beam and the tankbuster have the same name, I was moving from the avoidable portion of it).

And my name is a funny joke, there’s not much to it.

Believe me, we already do. You see, tanks can pull half of the instance and not die, but everybody else? Yeah, no, the healer is trying to keep everyone else alive as they get pelted by aoe and splash damage, or trying to dispel on cooldown the various explosive debuffs. Tanks might have to start waiting for everybody else, and that’s just fine by me.

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I’ll wait and see. Already rumors of it being a kite meta which isn’t good. If tanks aren’t able to face tank large groups then they will start to kite. And we will always pull big because that’s what makes or breaks a timer


I think the way they’ve gone about it is wrong. They need to go back to steady and consistent damage going out to create a triage style of healing. Currently, it’s still all about bursts of damage that people need to avoid or pop their defensive skills, or die.

Now, all the changes did was make it so healers will now have to spam heal the tank along with the dps. Changes are needed, but this was a poor way to do it, I think.


I think they need to just copy ff14 and have predetermined pull sizes. Tanks go from point A to point B and collect all the mobs and people AoE them down. Tank is unable to progress past point B until all the mobs are dead. DPS don’t fall behind

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Sounds like a gross joke but okay.

I do like how they handle it. They’re like mini enemy arenas.

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