Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Ironically brewmaster used to be a defacto raid tank for a few expansions due to stagger existing.

For the better part I don’t care but the way that healers currently look on meters is probably the biggest reason for the perception that they have the lowest skill requirement.

M+ LFG=Tumbleweeds.

Is it just me or are all the healers currently spending most of their time trying to pad the DPS meters instead of doing the job they were created for?


We get yelled at if we have even a .05 second slip of downtime when we are not casting something. And if it’s an overheal we accidentally cast instead of dps, we get yelled at even further for holding the group back and being the reason we don’t time a key. So yes. We’re dpsing. Padding is up to interpretation.

But overheals are useless wastes of mana, so again we are caught between a rock and a hard place. I’ve been maining my disc priest the last 3 seasons, so I get to at least do both and not feel forced to DPS, since it’s my main source of healing through atonement.


I tried playing healer and it was beyond a bad experience. Especially if you don’t have a great speed boost. The tanks and dps pull and race to the end without looting or looking back.

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Agreed. One of the only reasons I play a tank, especially a BDK, is precisely because I know I can compensate for an inexperienced healer or a healer who is fine but has to contend with dps who are taking unnecessary damage.

This change will just make healers’ lives really, really awful.


If you end up standing in a pool of acid and die to that, I’m not accepting any excuse.

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Get the popcorn ready

“Tanks want to continue running ahead of groups and leaving everyone behind”

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Complaining about people going too fast with that name? C’mon now

Has it ever occurred to you that not everyone is entitled to doing absolutely everything that the game has within the first year that they purchase it? Because as someone who has mained DPS and switched to Healer, I was clearing up to 22’s and didnt have problems unless it was multiple points of failure and we crumbled. If tanks can self sustain entirely then healers wont be needed since, in a perfect world, tanks would take all the aggro and no one would take damage. If you have issues with healing, you reached the point where the difficulty wasnt meant to be completed

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tanks should have to rely on healers…and the group as well…
this business of a tank not needing anyone for basic dungeon
content, is absurd.
they started pandering to tanks due to a tank shortage…
but they went to far…and in the absolute wrong direction!

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as a healer i could not agree more :rage:


Hey, at least we tried to give you one less group member to pay real attention to!


A lot has changed, the eliminating threat management to focus on damage mitigation to me was not a good one. I would not be that upset if a tank build was completely useless outside of groups. The ability to multi class and switch as much as one wants had made it about pointless to tune tanking to solo pve. Tanks really never had that much dps before and that changed mainly because it was rough trying to go solo as it would take a lot more time to take a mob down and respecting just to so more solo activities was out of the question.

Let’s make only one spec for every class the only one viable for soloing then! A lot more people can be stuck playing something we don’t like to get our chores done. Misery loves company!

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Just had a healer flame me for a whole key on beta until we hit the first healing check.
Group dies on repeat through defensives 5-6 times and he leaves without a word.

I do not want to rely on healers and I hope people understand this situation is far more common than you’d think - most healers probably don’t get it because you’re competent enough at the level you play at but there are some toxic healers out there with just as big egos as the bad tanks.


I say this somewhat jokingly - but at this point, just do away with healers. Make it so the amount of dps each individual does feeds back into a healing bar. The better you crank out dps, the more often you can self heal. For tanks it’ll be amount of damage they mitigate. Done deal, everyone depends on their own skill level to survive. Managing self heals and building that into their rotations becomes the answer. No more blame game. If you die, it’s your own mistake to face.


The healer role in both ff14 and wow gets a lot of criticism. There are so many different opinions on what a healer should be doing and how they should be designed.