Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Being totally honest I made that character when I was a teenager and I’ve wanted to name change it for years but there’s no way I’m paying so much to do that.

This is such nonsense. Is this what you healers tell yourselves?

While that would be wonderful for follower or normal dungeons, since I feel normals drastically need to slow the hell down, that would be absolutely terrible for anything higher and especially Mythic+.


or maybe we can just blame everything on the healers now, because even a M0 will be a healer affix. :dracthyr_a1:

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No way the average healer is going to be able to keep up with incoming tank damage and group damage. It’s been brutal on beta doing keys. We’re back to shadowlands S1 kiting. Good luck ;/


would have been great if we got that Hunter Pet tank class. so the pet could do the tanking as the hunter does the kiting. :smirk:

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Then the “average” healer doesn’t belong in that content.

Ok. Follower dungeons and delves exist for this reason. Tanks, by the way, are excellent at both of these. I personally retired from “tanking for randos” when we became expected to pull wall to wall because “tryhards are invincible so we should all play like that.”

As I’ve said in countless other threads: The reasons to tolerate PUG abuse evaporate in a world where follower dungeons and delves exist. The reasons to sit in queue at all evaporate in a world where follower dungeons and delves exist.

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what we should do after some wipes is leave the group to send them a message. that’s probably what i will do if i see bad healers

I have run well north of a thousand PUG keys at this point, and I can count on one hand the number of times anyone has complained about the lack of damage from the healer. And even amongst the groups that would care to harass the healer for their damage, absolutely nobody is looking at it global by global - it’s clear outliers where the healer deals basically 0 damage despite there clearly being pulls in which nobody required healing for 15+ seconds at a time.

I find it highly unlikely they even know you’re doing this. If they aren’t dying, there is no reason for them to worry about what you’re doing to keep them alive.


As a part time tank i just want there to be a good balance where the healer doesnt have to focus dump heals on me while unavoidable aoe is going out.

Enough self healing to give myself some grace when not 100% familiar with the dungeon or running with a bad/new healer is all i ask

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That is the same as saying DPS don’t want to rely on tanks or healers as well. The fact is tough, they do if you want to play this game it uses the Holy Trinity system. Tanks rely on healers and DPS to do their roles, healers rely on tanks and DPS to do their roles, DPS rely on tanks and healers to do their roles. If someone wants to be OP and not rely on anyone, they should play a single-player game. Making one role the absolute best that can tank while doing good DPS while keeping themselves alive is silly.


The rewards are still going to be good enough for a lot of people.

I totally agree, and would like to add:

I don’t care what theories of human behavior lead to this weird triumvirate group composition but the more independent and strong healers are, the more fun they are to play.

I don’t care what theories of human behavior lead to this weird triumvirate group composition but the more independent and strong DPS are, the more fun they are to play.


Can’t agree less. Healers healing tanks is the foundation of pve common sense. One we departed from too long ago. Tanks got overly cocky & self important thinking they’re immortal & the immortal design bled into other aspects of the game, like PvP, where tanks are literally useless because you can’t balance an immortal.

Healers being pressed to keep everyone alive is good for the game, just like tanks trying to stay alive by working with their healers is.


Hope you all have a great tuesday.


tanks should be reliant on healers and DPS this is a good thing.


This sounds suspiciously like MMO game play in an MMO.

I don’t like it. Everyone should be meta and able to depend on nobody. Forced interactions in a social setting suck.


Agreed. Healers have enough to worry about. As the tank, and the presumptive leader of the party, I should be responsible for three things ideally:

  1. Leading the group through the content.
  2. Ensuring all aggro stays on me.
  3. Managing my own health via positioning, abilities, and knowledge of the encounter.

Leaving my fate up to the healer, when they have 3 other people to take care of is not ideal.


The sacred Trinity!

Tank rely on healer to survive.
DPS rely on tank to hold aggro.
Healer rely on DPS to kill thing fast.


I’d love to see you heal literally anything but yourself for once but that won’t be possible because the absolute narcissism dripping from that comment shows your inability to understand anything but your own bubble. You’d probably come back with a “I can heal with the best of them I just don’t want to” kind of bs because if you did try, it was a lot more difficult than you thought so you quietly quit and turned up the volume of your complaining about how you’re the most specialist one in the room and everyone else should bow down like the peasants they are. Ew.