Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Do you think it matters what only current active tanks think when tanks being this OP affects everyone? If they get the balance correct so it’s fun to play I’ll probably end up tanking myself again once I get my first alt going.

Blizzard outright stated the reason damage is so spiky is because of the arms race with tanks. They need to tone everything down and that seems to be what they are going to be doing.

It all comes down to how they balance it over time but the idea behind these changes was 100% needed for everyone, not just tank players that have fun being OP and not relying on anyone.

Most of the people crying about this are overreacting and being unreasonable. No one wants S1 SL tanking again, I know I hated tanking that but we went to the other extreme and it doesn’t feel good for everyone else.

This seems to be the plan and what I would like. Maybe more like 70% tank 30% healer.

They want tanks to feel still tanky and have sustain but not to the point they can last forever. I’m sure they will need to tweak a ton of things to get it right and things will be far from perfect on the first balance pass.


“Tanks don’t want to rely on healers”

Then roll a Paladin.

Absolutely nothing has changed in regards to dps damage spikiness, that is an issue with how many powerful defensive options dps have and the damage that mechanics have to do to them to be able to threaten them.

Currently in beta dungeons DPS are still getting 1 shot constantly.

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And they all expect blizz to be on trend with their tuning and leave us exactly in that spot.

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Im ok with that mindset as long as the tanks have to pay the group repair bills before they get loot.

As prot pall gets the worst of these changes.

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Blizzard also stated that if the playerbase reacted negatively to covenants they could just ‘pull the ripcord’. How did that play out?

Also, that’s a whole lot of promises and work to do in 4 days. When are they gonna find time to sleep or eat?


Who said prot? Ret Shield for the lolz!

We don’t know they are just substandard DPS you have to drag through dungeons now.

I understand that but it isn’t being reflected onto the beta. Healers are already complaining about how rough it is

Almost like it’s called beta for a reason? And are those people qualified to complain?

As a healer I appreciate this, you know how we killed all of halls of Infinity week 1? We had to tanks and me and even when the DPS died the DKs could just permanently stay alive. Was quite the giggle tho!



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??? My guy…I was trying to get the Soridormi rep done. Do you have any idea how long that would’ve took if you relied on rifts instead of spamming the mega dungeon?

Me pulling the entire dungeon is the fastest way to finish. Helps everyone.

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Yes. I’d assume people that test beta are more well suited than the average player will be

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I agree tanks should be tanks, this means we should not die easy we should have huge damage reductions, Tanking should be easy it’s how you get more tanks playing. I never said anything about not needing a healer, they will still need to heal us, they will just have more time to do so and we won’t quickly fall, we will slowly fall. That’s what makes sense to me.


I’m hearing tank health bars are flying all over the place but I agree that giving healers ample amounts of time to heal a tank is important.

Too many dungeons where tanks aren’t given proper resistance to spell damage cough brewmasters cough and die 100-0 in a couple seconds

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True. Good thing we have a full beta cycle to test such massive changes, and not just a few weeks. Right?

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Are DPS also allowed to be mad if they depend on healers to live?


TWW mythic plus is a long way away.

And no one really cares about prepatch.