Tanks don't want to rely on healers

I mean, most of us have all finished dungeons one person missing, be it tank, healer or dps. Things get more technical with each encounter but it’s not impossible until you get into higher content. You’re not gonna time in a mythic, but if someone DC’s 3/4 of the way through and you’ve been doing fine as a group, you can keep going.

All of us are expendable to some extent. The cost of 4 manning is simply speed and being able to time. The tank isn’t the end all be all of party make up.

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It clarifies nothing. I understand the meaning of both words, clearly you do not because you think that the tank’s survival is not meant to be on the tank.

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you’re just here to argue, got it.

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Would be better if 5 mans need a tank as much as they do a healer or a dps.

And this is so far from the case.

i finished a dungeon once by eating it.


With your taste in pizza ingredients, I am not surprised. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm I wonder why you can’t just say healing? Your avoidance of this word is telling. Calling it “survival” is really disingenuous.


You clearly didn’t play Vanilla-MoP. The core concept of gameplay was the holy trinity and it worked. Tanks were not gods, healers actually mattered and EVERYONE who raided was required to know all mechanics. It was the most fun raiding ever was. Everyone mattered and each position was important and impactful, tanks (myself maining Tank since Vanilla) have become way to self reliant since Legion honestly. Healers have become less and less useful and necessary in even regular content, imagine being a healer and realising your tank never needs heals and even most of your DPS are self suffiecient so all you to do is off-heal while outputting low DPS.

Now none of that was either Tank or Healers fault though. Mythic+ came out and the “Holy Trinity” didn’t work as expected and then they kept making adjustments around that to the point that Raiding got out of Whack and then they tried to adjust that and here we are. Lack of mechanics* and just large hits as “difficulty” because it’s extremely difficult to balance a game around 2 separate styles of progression. 3rd style coming soon in TWW.

Tl:dr The Holy Trinity was the original gameplay type and most enjoyed it. Balancing between Raiding/Mythic+ brought the core balance of Tanking and Healing out of place by a large margin. Tanks need Healers > Healers need DPS > DPS need Tanks. It works.


“it’s just one patch into alpha they’ll fix it later”
“oh it’s just beta they can do it in prepatch”
“dont worry, release is weeks away they can fix it with the release”
“the season actually only begins in 2 weeks from launch, they will fix it”
“next season they are gonna improve things for sure they got months!”


Assuming Blizz learned from their mistakes in s1 SL (which from the reading I’ve done, seems to be the case. However, I wont blatanly say they’ll get it right), it should end up going back to the oroginal 3 Fatal Faults of the Holy Trinity. All 3 roles had one fault that could wipe the entire group/raid. Tanks not using CDs during unavoidable tank busters/large mob pulls. Healers not having enough HPS for either sustained unavoidable singletarget/multi target situations. DPS not doing either enough single target/multi target damage leading to prolonged fights and OOM issues (Out Of Mana).

Can they do it? I’d hope, this was the way it was pretty much until Legion came out. Now it’s a lot more difficult with Mythic+ and when TWW comes out it will skew it even more because of delves.

Basically, yeah no point in healing a good tank.

So many people that don’t tank calling for tank nerfs. I’ve played enough to know that sometimes you get an amazing healer that keeps everyone topped and does good damage. Sometimes you get a healer that is lousy at healing and just wants to do damage. Sometimes you get healers that just heal and stand there doing nothing if no healing is required. And sometimes you get healers that just don’t do anything as if it’s their first time playing.

Do you really want the success of the group to land solely on one player with a chance of immediate failure. Not only are you asking for changes that make pugging more difficult, you are asking for the healer role to carry even more responsibility which should not be the goal.

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No, that’s why I want tanks to be nerfed.

If they misplay, everyone else dies.


As it is currently, it is significantly worse than it was in SL S1. But, no sweat, they got 4 days to fix it. No problem.

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It is a special person who wants to heal randoms. It isn’t such a special person who wants to tank randoms.

Personally, I’d rather that tanks had to tank and heal. Then they’d learn.

Wouldn’t you rather only have to worry about the former? Seems like healers take a big L here too by adding the biggest damage taker to the healing needed pool.

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I’d rather be responsible for tanks being alive than them spontaneously dying because they misplayed.

And then everyone dies.


Me DPS. I smush big uglies. Tank go yee yee and healers go waa waa

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Fair enough, but not really the question that was asked.

Then what’s the point of the healer? If the tank and healer collaborate correctly, DPS can tear everything apart. If tanks rely on themselves for healing, that means they take focus off of actually tanking while healing themselves