Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Noone cares about prepatch, they’ll fix it by launch. Noone cares about launch, they’ll fix it by season 1. Noone cares about season 1, they’ll fix it by season 2.


I mean a lot of the time DPS taking damage is avoidable

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Of course, everyone’s mad here!


This is where I’m at. I want a healer to always feel necessary, and I think tanks need to be humbled a little. Legion tanks were nuts. This guy wants a single-player game experience in group content, I don’t think the game should ever be based around that.

On the same token, I’m all for challenging single-player content as well, and I hope delves shine there. But I also don’t want tanks to feel superior in that content either.

Right now they do too much damage and too much self-healing. They should have the tools to survive for a bit, which they do. But they shouldn’t just be solo heroes in a MMO.

I say this as someone who absolutely loves my guardian druids. Why play anything else when I have this easy mode through everything? But that’s the problem. It makes me not value anything else as much.


“Tanks don’t want to rely on healers”, well I hate to break it to you Sally but this is literally the Tank and Healer dynamic in every MMO game.

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I don’t want to rely on them either.

Alas, we play a trinity-style MMORPG.

Comes with the territory


From my, a DPS, perspective, I’m mostly just annoyed that this is likely going to result in smaller pulls. And, while I understand this is a victory for a lot of timewalkers, I don’t wanna be taking a leisurely stroll through a +10 going one pack at a time. That sounds insanely dull.

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The game is eternally broken for some people, meanwhile, other people are succeeding.

Oh, I think you might’ve misread. I meant boring, not broken. They do both start with a b, so I get the confusion.

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Noone cares about prepatch, they’ll fix it by launch. Noone cares about launch, they’ll fix it by season 1. Noone cares about season 1, they’ll fix it by season 2.

Neither words were used here.

Isn’t that why they’ve been beefing up DPS defensives? I mean, who isn’t mad at healers? We don’t heal enough, dps enough, dispel enough, interrupt enough, or dodge/navigate/soak mechanics enough. It’s like we don’t even try. We’re the worst.


Funnily enough, the slower pace would benefit the lower skilled tanks/healers, but then the nerfs just crank the difficulty for those same folks back up, while just being a mild annoyance to the good ones.

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I can agree with the points of pushing players toward tanking via kiting… that was a GARBAGE experience. But - if they could do it right and tanks could actually rely on their healers and get the job done better than just kiting, then yeah I’m on board.

Not to worry, Blizzard acknowledged in their blue post that Brewmasters take too much magic damage.

Then proceeded to nerf our primary magic mitigation by 2/3.


The problem started when Blizzard confused mitigation with healing. They are functionally the same thing at a certain level, but anything even slightly below that level and healing becomes superior, and anything above that level mitigation is superior. This can’t be fixed until Blizzard figures out they can’t keep using them interchangeably.

This wasn’t as big of a problem when raiding was the only end game, because you could balance around that single point of inflection. Now we have M+ that scales to infinity, and the tank with their inflection point closest to where DPS and heals can JUST avoid falling over from unavoidable damage is the meta tank that that season.

And they started doing that after their mad dash to course correct after SL kite meta. When all they really needed to do at the time was lower the upfront brute force damage tanks were getting hit with, which would have been easier and kept the balance of power between the roles as they were meant to be.

Blizzard instead went in the mad direction that led to things as they are now, which it looks like they are trying to move back but you can’t just…do that.


They can’t because this is a multi pronged problem, and they are trying to fix one at a time. Their solution is a correct one for part of the problem, but when they don’t fix the whole problem the other ones stick out worse.

I do.

My comment to you.

If the problem was that SOME tank specs healed themselves too much, then Blizzard should have addressed that.

Instead, they nerfed all the tanks.

Because they’re terrible at their jobs.


When they are attacking a multipronged problem with single pronged fixes, again, that goes without saying. :slight_smile:

Frankly I don’t know how they fix this without a total rework of DKs. I think they are avoiding this rather than biting the bullet.

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