Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Eh, what?

They are playing their class if they’re able to survive without healing.

That means they’re using their mits and self-heals.

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I’ve got a ~510 prot warrior that I run mid keys on. Outside of tank busters or extremely massive pulls there is rarely a reason for me to hit a sustain button other than ignore pain and impending victory. I’d even say that most tank busters are just low CD defensives.

Still playing your class. Just because you’re not forced to hit ALL the buttons doesn’t mean you “aren’t playing the class”.

You overgear most content, so you go in and you complain that you don’t have to use half of your abilities to clear said content.

I’m sorry but that’s just a braindead take.

Try taking that 510 gear off, and put gear on that’s closer to the content you’re doing.

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It’s not that I’m not forced. It’s that it’s extreme overkill to blow something like shield wall. It’s just never needed whatsoever.

510 isn’t exactly “overgeared” for a 6-8 key.

You’re not even putting caps on how big the pulls can be. You’re just making sure the tank is in the vincinity of the mobs so that aggro breaks are less frequent. Stationary casts can get off without panic thrashing your rotation. But the tank can keep pulling and pulling and pulling. The monsters should technically be dying enough in the slower stream so that the tank isn’t completely immobilized 5-6 monsters die as 5-6 more are at mid health and 5-6 new ones get pulled. That’d give you a constant 30%-60% speed reduction. And if tank is completely immobilized, it means dps can get the clean up done to free them. Just like a real tank some times has to stay stationary on the battle field to blast away, it’s not constantly in motion.

…because you overgear the content.

You said it yourself… “when I do mid keys” … because you overgear the content.

Content SHOULD be easy when you overgear it. In fact, it’s probably one of the few places in the game where you can feel your character getting stronger, what with all of the stupid scaling everywhere these days.

I remember when I enjoyed being able to choose between green, yellow, and orange questing, if I was behind on gear I could go green until I got some gear updates, if I was doing fine, I could do yellow or if I saw an orange quest that yielded a HUGE reward, I’d try to take it on and pop all of my cooldowns and hope I win.

I miss those days.

I will repeat. 510 isn’t “overgearing” in 6-8 keys. If I was 520 I’d expect it. I’ve felt like a God among mortals since I started 0s in lfr/heroic gear.

Sounds like it is overgearing it.

Try it with 500.

You should not need to drastically undergear content to be utilizing your kit.

Doing content that gives a 515 vault reward (+6) as a 489 should carry the expectation that you’re going to get folded.

I realized I had bad math there for a sec, what about 500?

Ideally, you should need all of your kit if you are trying to step up.

Let’s say that the content rewards 510. If you’re 500, it should be mildly difficult and you should need some of your big guns, but not all of them.

If you’re at 489, you should need ALL of your big guns.

If you’re at 510, then it should be easy.

EDIT: Ok so +6 gives 515 and your complaint is that you at 510 should need all of your kit? I think that’d be overtuned.

You’re only 5 under what the reward is. That should mean that you need some of your CDs but not all of them.

Try 500 if you want the “Orange Questing Experience”.



If you are not using all your mitigation than you need to be pushing higher keys.

This I think is the problem with perception. People don’t push into content their gear is intended for than wonder why they seem invincible. Push into a +8 or +9. I guarantee you will start using more of those defensives.

At 520 in +10 pugs you really should start having most of your CD’s being used all the time and they cycle as you need them and at times you need to call for externals. Above that in a +11 you absolutely have to. I haven’t pushed past a +11 this season but in season 3 at +23 you feel like you didn’t have nearly enough defensives and pulls were completely reliant on how much the healer could cover.

Which I think is about where it should be as that is content without rewards and you are doing it just to see if you can.

In beta though on a +4 you are cycling through everything you have for each tank buster and than just run out and die (particularly if the affix goes off than it kills you through defensives.) TWW is going to be on par with cata when it comes to how brutal the damage is. Even top players are unable to time +10’s (think I saw 1 all night) and many runs are ending with well over 100 deaths. Casual pugging is going to be dead on arrival.


What affix? A +4 is either going to have tyr or fort.

Is this first hand experience or “what I read on reddit” experience?

The dude is only aiming for content that is only 5 item levels higher.

Heck, aren’t the raids 14 i-level apart from one another?

Like you go from Normal to Heroic, is like 14 item levels?

And this guy is stepping up a mere 5 and thinks he should be throwing everything he has at the content.


I’m being met by people that think 489 isn’t undergeared for a 6 and that there are going to be additional affixes in a +4.

Not sure who is the most out of touch in this conversation.

But I’m going to congratulate my imaginary friend and give them a high five around you guys to return the favor.

I corrected myself, and replaced that 489 with 500 and admitted it was a math error.

Xal’atath’s Bargain: Voidbound

  • While in combat, Xal’atath summons Void Emissary to empower nearby enemies, gradually increasing their damage. Upon defeating the Void Emissary, players harness the void energy for themselves, increasing their critical chance by 20% for 20 seconds.

This starts at +2’s.

If it gets off more than 2 ticks its probably going to kill a dps if they are targeted with anything above 5 stacks it looks to kill most tanks at full stacks it will kill tanks even through defensives. It spawn in the worst locations at the worst times including in massive area of denial effects where melee can’t hit it.

I mean if your going to be in a thread about the changes being made it would behoove you to at least know what the changes are. This means you haven’t played or watched the beta and there is no point in arguing with you about the current state of the changes.

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…you want an in combat speed reduction. In World of Swirlycraft? Really?

‘Tank, why are you eating literally every dinner bell?’ ‘Sorry man, the hunter MDed some adds onto me, I’m moving slower than being stationary.’

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You are in the easiest tuned season in BiS weapons trinkets rings etc in a key range that is known to be farmed by max ilvl geared players for crests. You are likely being carried by players that do more damage than inteded for that key level and so the pulls are not lasting nearly as long as designed meaning you need less CD’s than intended.

On top of this CD usage as a tank is highly dependent on interrupts. If you do a triple pull in RLP and people are not interrupting you are going to be using a lot more CD’s than you would if people are stunning and interrupting. This is why coordinated groups can often push higher than pugs.

Yep. Even with speed reduction tanks can eat some big face punches. With the mitigation they have now, it’d make healers feel like they’re useful to the tank. Which is another part of what the beef of this situation is. Tanks are so powerful, they don’t need healers. Make them eat some floor damage.

Does that tell you something then? That person wants to take their time and pull a pack at a time. Game has evolved, it’s time to move on. Classic exists if you want the slow experience.

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