Tanks don't want to rely on healers

I think one of the reasons you think that, is BECAUSE bosses are so simple with few mechanics.

If bosses had way more movement, way more mechanics, you might find them more fun, maybe?

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Yeah I’d agree. The whole sustaining themselves thing was supposed to be the BDK niche. Now it has been spread out across every tank’s kit and it has resulted in homogenized playstyles across all of them.

I guess I’d say prot pally should have the next best self-sustain but it really shouldn’t be an all tanks kind of deal.


Yeah, but self-sustain is pretty powerful when you’re talking about a tank.

If one tank had self-sustain and nobody else had self-sustain, then why the frick would you want any other tank in your dungeon?

Ssomething that powerful MUST be common to all tanks, or you end up with discrimination and elitism.

I think if there’s a tank that can self sustain and everyone leaves to play it that should tell us everything about how the community feels about tanks relying on healers. Nobody likes it

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Uh, what?

Tank A gets into a group, has self-sustain, and a healer. If Tank A’s self-sustain fails, he has the healer to fall back on.

Tank B who has no self-sustain goes into a dungeon and must rely on the healer, who can’t DPS because he’s constantly healing the tank.

OBVIOUSLY everybody wants Tank A over Tank B, because there’ll be a lot more DPS, and the tank is never going to die, ever.

It has nothing to do with whether or not a tank would like to rely upon a healer.

Speed cap the tank. Every single monster hitting them adds 3% speed reduction to their movement. Sure, you can pull 5 mobs and set the tone for how things unfold; but you’re also getting a 30-45% speed reduction. That way you’re not running so far ahead your initial damage aggro is useless and monsters are peeling off because you’re too far away. Then those DPS or heals that need to stack on you to get any lost aggro back into your pull isn’t off in Narnia and hopeless to make it in time.

Everyone gets to keep the damage, healing and mitigation the same. Tanks still won’t have to rely on healers but can’t run ahead to the detriment of the group’s cohesive efforts being meaningful.


Not really like I said I hate end of raid bosses to. I think its more just fighting one enemy.

I love the murder ball and trying to watch what spells go off and try to call out for interrupts and stops, all while positioning. The absolute chaos is what I thrive on when I get in my lets see whats possible mode.

Pulling the first 6 packs in EB on bolstering in a +20 and blowing up the little guys and getting gripped, swapping to cat form and kitting till blostering fell off was a ton of fun.
Pulling the entire hall of fire breathers in BRH on bolstering was fun as it was LOSing and kiting back and forth with precise positioning so as to not kill the healer or dps.
The first time pulling all the trash on the tree boss in AA or all the trash in front of Vex at once.

Those are the moments I live for. Unfortunately the more control of my health bar they put in the hands of the healer the less skill expression I get to show as I’m limited by them instead of myself.

I think you’re cooking up something interesting. Putting caps on how big the pulls can be is reminiscent of ff14 with how the dungeons are designed.

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I mean I’m sorry to say it guys but something does need to be done to bring tanks back down to being mortals. We can whinge all we want about it but Blizzard apparently agrees and is going to work toward making it happen. :man_shrugging:

As someone that does play a tank it can simply lead to me thinking to myself “Why can’t these people handle what I pulled? I’m doing fine.”

And in the hands of a bad or inexperienced player this is a net negative for the game.

That would just be awesome in general, because then the tank can’t leave the entire group in the dust, esp newbies who don’t know where to go in a dungeon on their first run, or some classes that have very limited movement abilities, or what-not.


Ugh no thanks, the pull size should be determined by the skill of the group and not by the dev.

Nothing is more annoying than pretimed gauntlets like Black Moroes.

Additionally handy capping speed would be a badd idea you can’t move frontals, you can’t dodge, etc. Every single boss would be a tank and spank for tanks.

I don’t disagree, however in traditional Blizzard fashion, it sounds like they took a sledgehammer to the problem when a jeweler’s mallet would have done the job just fine.

They love their 50% damage and heal changes, when a lot of the time, it only needed 10-20%.

They buff some abilities by a whopping 50% then the next patch they go “oh whoops silly me” and walk it back 40%.

It’s like they have no farking clue how to do proper adjustments.


That’s really the only concern about these changes that is valid. I do share it.

I’m willing to let it play out and see how further adjustments are made.

I mean, it’s interesting in theory but one of the reasons why tanks run ahead like they do, is because they get tired of DPS going further ahead and trying to be helpful by pulling MOAR. I always suggested it was added to by damage nerfing dps for 10 sec who pull and get initial threat. But people have hated these suggestions.

Long story short, everyone’s impatience has added to this problem. We’ve never gotten around the core of it.


People say this is very common but I rarely ever see it and it’s only when the tank is legitimately moving glacially.


Maybe if we didn’t teach people that speedrunning is the way to go with the M+ system, then maybe this wouldn’t be the case.

I mean, before M+ was a thing, people did use CC, people did wait for the tank, people weren’t so fricken impatient.


Tanks outside of the top 1% in the world or if they were running over geared content were mortals. They already required healing.

Look at your average +10 right now in AA and tell me if the tanks received 0 healing on Vex or on Craw.

Yes there were bosses without tank busters that tanks could solo, if that was the real problem than the solution is just to ensure every single boss has a tank buster.

This wasn’t the issue or at least the stated issue.

To me a tank should not need to be in a +10 to actually be playing their class.

I dunno in Vanilla up to MoP, it was always an experience of mine as bear tank to have a mage or hunter just forward blasting and trying to run things back to me. Especially on that library hallway in Jade Temple. That always turned into a nightmare until you were overgeared enough to get it under control.


They are not but in a +10 you are usually at max gear so the logs are all for people intended to be there. You look in a +2 and people often out gear it. Which is the other massive reason why people think they are immortal. A mythic tank walks into a +2 and doesn’t need healing… yeah and thats not going to change even in TWW.

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