i absolutely disagree. the dps need me desperately, especially certain classes. i dont need another mouth to feed that has a health bar 3x the size of everyone else
Your last paragraph is what they mean when they say healer has lowest skill cap lol
No, it’s wise allocation of resources. And it’s skill floor.
These TWW keys are not big on the 2 mob packs. More likely to have 6 in each pack and they’re all casters.
I’m talking six packs though. (Like, Algethar academy style.)
Unfortunately for you, the healer is supposed to set the pace of the game, not the tank. This is why so many keys brick, tanks forgot that along the way once they became independent of the group, especially the healer.
I’m talking six packs though. (Like, Algethar academy style.)
The main factor in this is having enough stops to control the pack though. Also when do you pull 6 packs at a time in AA? We’re not calling 2 worms sitting off to the side a pack.
Was thinking the entire courtyard for Overgrown Ancient. I never did formally count the packs heh.
Sounds like someone is upset they can’t run off and start pulling half the instance solo anymore.
DPS should really stop doing that.
Provided we can agree that filling empty globals with damage is optimal play, healers easily make the most mistakes in any given dungeon, by an order of magnatude.
A bad DPS just does bad damage, but they’re still pushing damage. The DPS position has low strategic impact. A bad healer neglects half of their job by opting out of mob control and damage.
We aren’t in the era of healbot+defensive dispel gameplay. Every position has to be proactive when played at the highest level, and you can get up to a very, very high M+ score as a healer by being purely reactive. I’ve played with healers that get up into the high 2ks, low 3ks even, that aren’t coming close to maximizing their character. You cannot do this on DPS or tank.
Was thinking the entire courtyard for Overgrown Ancient. I never did formally count the packs heh.
5 with both patrols but the lasher packs are basically just 1 mob and 7 random smallies that dont do anything. It looks a lot more impressive than it realistically is.
We don’t really pull the patrols anymore anyway though, rather snap the whole room onto the elemental and go bird first boss.
Provided we can agree that filling empty globals with damage is optimal play, healers easily make the most mistakes in any given dungeon, by an order of magnatude.
it is optimal provided everything runs smoothly. Maybe the death knight forgets to push death strike for 10 seconds every minute, then what is optimal changes.
Then, you have a track record of a tank failing, and a place where healer dps doesn’t really move the needle, so why do it?
Then, you have a track record of a tank failing, and a place where healer dps doesn’t really move the needle, so why do it?
You’re always trading risk for efficiency. I don’t really think nuance beyond that matters.
That’s true.
I’d argue that a bDK that knows what they’re doing, and can use coms effectively to signal when purg is down, isn’t taking any risks at all. Any global that can go into damage, that’s going into overhealing the bDK, is a mistake, especially when Purg is up. Tank death is very telegraphed on classes with a cheat death.
I’d argue that a bDK that knows what they’re doing, and can use coms effectively to signal when purg is down, isn’t taking any risks at all. Any global that can go into damage, that’s going into overhealing the bDK, is a mistake, especially when Purg is up. Tank death is very telegraphed on classes with a cheat death
This makes the assumption both players know exactly what’s going on and the tank acts in the most optimal way given the healer’s expectations. There’s a slo the fact that the relevant of a healer’s misplaced damage optimisations are ordered of magnitude lower than a DPS spec.
I’m not disagreeing with you what’s optimal and what isn’t, just making clear that while a healer keeping an overly protective eye on a pug blood dk is a mistake given perfect play, it’s unlikely to be a costly one.
I’d like to throw in my personal opinion as someone who plays all three roles. Tanking is only fun to me when I feel like I have agency over my own survival. I already have to worry about grouping packs up, getting stops, remembering my route, and making other adjustments on the fly. This change means that my mental capacity for doing all of those things will diminish while I spend more time trying to live. That’s less fun, by a mile. This is a change that discourages people from tanking, a role that already suffers from low population. I don’t understand why the correct move here is to disincentivize tanking.
Switching to my perspective as a healer. I do not enjoy tank healing at all. Literally zero. Similarly to my experience on tank, I have a cognitive load apportioned to other tasks, like preparing for incoming damage, getting stops, picking up the slack for mistakes made, and trying to squeeze in some dps. Now, I have to spin another plate in babysitting the tank. Spamming single target heals into the same target all dungeon long is not my idea of fun. The issues around healing in wow are not related to the tank. They are related to the bloated defensives available to the dps classes. Blizzard claims that they don’t want to subject us to more one-shotty mechanics this expansion, yet has continued to allow classes like mage to have 6 get out of jail free cards. The real issue is damage patterns. A prime example, my favorite DF boss to heal is the ice boss in HoI. It’s strong, consistent damage that you can get into a flow on and work through your healing buttons. Not once while I’m healing that boss have I ever thought, “dang, really wish the tank was taking more damage.”
Instead, this change means that keys will get harder because tanks struggle to live and healers struggle to find the time to devote to the entire party. Imagine strong rot going on the party requiring heavy aoe healing to keep them from death. Add in a tank that needs to be focused, and now someone is definitely going to die. Who will the fingers be pointed at? The healer. Moral of the story, the real culprit to the healing problem is bloated defensives and bad damage patterns, not the need to put more healing into the tank. If i wanted to tank heal, I’d play classic.
Tanks that don’t want to rely on healers don’t understand the basics of the game.
I agree. I just don’t want to break a nail.
Spamming single target heals into the same target all dungeon long is not my idea of fun.
This. /char
Why have tanks be able to die at all?
I don’t have fun when tanks die because they missed a crucial button.
Remove tanking - essentially, but still make them needed on basis of taunt swaps. And as a result, they can now need healing just like DPS.