Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Ok, so you enjoy competing in dps, yet play a healer for faster invites, but still want the gameplay to be a decent amount about dpsing, despite it being a healer role…

A dps standing in fire and dying is in no way similar to healers needing to sustain tanks under normal damage intake.

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Looks like the only tank that needs babysitting is a blood DK right now. So Ill be avoiding them s1.

Everything else seems fine. They just need to keep nerfing damage in dungeons so as many stops arent needed. Maybe boost tank health like 20% more, but buff blood dk’s health by 30-40%.

The goal of the role design is for healers to heal, dps to dps, and tanks to “tank”. Every role relies on the other roles to be successful.

If you don’t want to rely on other players to be successful, play diablo.


When I was mythic raiding my healers told me to handle my own healing as a tank.

Tanks are meant to tank, not get folded because the healer wasn’t hard funneling them during normal damage intake.

Show me where I said healers should be hard funneling tanks during normal damage intake?

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Its like you took a single paragraph from that article, made an assumption about, and are now hard coded into believing that assumption is true.

You know whats not fun as a tank? Feeling completely disconnected from the issues my party faces because my health and self-healing trivializes most incoming damage. Its not fun to outheal my healer in most 5 man content. Its not enjoyable to be the last man standing slogging with a boss myself for 2 minutes because it cant kill me, and wiping would take longer.


Ya well healers also don’t want to be 2nd place on healing meters to tanks every run as well as doing half the dps a tank can do. Feels pretty irrelevant to be a healer


Mythics created terrible tanks.

Prior you ran a heroic, marked mobs, CC and worked through a dungeon at a good efficient pace controling the dungeon and mobs.

Now its run as fast as you can through the mobs to beat a timer and god forbid you slow down for even a second the dps or the freaking healer of all people will start pulling crap for you. Try to do a line of sight pull and see what happens. Zero skill and expected to just out gear the instance.

Most tanks cant even kite properly anymore.


Just because that’s the way it is now doesn’t mean that’s the only way that can be fun and satisfying

Ok so you’re not a tank coming into a thread about tanking :woman_facepalming:

Have you thought about… not tanking?

And the blame game happens anyway because people are clueless most of the time. The tank with drastic ego, and the healer of dismal performance.

The first comment with a bunch of likes is from a healer that doesn’t want to do damage.

Like this community will never agree on anything

What ?


Simply increase the melee range of in-combat mobs to 8000 yards so tanks cannot kite them.

Also remove line of sight from dungeons


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You can still do all that if you want.

Nobody is forcing you to do MDI-sized pulls and go as fast as you can. Make your own group and put in the note “We are going slow, one pack at a time, CC every mob and I will kite”.

you have to draw the line at queued vs. self made content.

expecting queued content to meet the same level of play is monumentally stupid, yet it is the most common play style.

hopefully someone will tell them this and they will get the message…

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There’s more talent changes than JUST the Hero talents.

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That kinda negates the whole reason for RDF existing.

People don’t wanna dink around having to make groups manually. That’s why the RDF is so popular in the first place.

I just wanna click a button and go instead of standing in town fiddling with the UI and/or waiting for people to apply.