Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Why not just play a dps and compete with actual dps specs in dps?

Unfortunately we arent playing classic and mobs have more than 1 ability if any at all.

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What else does your magic 8 ball tells you. Oh master of world of warcraft ?

If tanks don’t need to rely on healers, they might as well delete healers, or tanks if not both. Just design the game so it’s all DPS with their own support spells and recovery! /s

I get tanks want to be OP because being OP is fun but it’s not great game design IMO when there are three roles.

People play healers to support the group, it’s crazy expecting tanks to have no / little need for a healer. It’s the whole point of the holy trinity. If tanks feel bad to play it’s because of the mob design, not because they need a healer.

The reason I stopped tanking had nothing to do with needing to rely on a healer, it was because of how annoying trash mobs and dungeons are in modern WoW. I would rather they fix this issue than use a bandaid by making tanks have no need for a healer.

With tanks being so powerful they need to make it so mobs hit harder and that makes it so when anyone else gets hit they die instantly with little to no way to survive. I’d rather they bring damage down for better gameplay. This also makes it much harder for new healers trying to learn.

I don’t think tanks should be weak and fall over instantly without a healer ofc, but they should not be able to go without them unless they outgear the content. Rather than making tanks OP to make tanking fun I think they should stop making content that is not fun to tank and balance it better.

I feel like the reason healing is also annoying is the same reason they had to make tanks OP. They need to work on the content rather than use bandaids. It all comes down to how they balance it though. I kinda hate they made this change so late in the beta and that’s what worries me.

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Right, so now the mobs are still just as bad, but you have severely reduced tools to deal with them. Tanks will die in 3 hits with no personal recourse except the chatbox.

‘Heals? Healer? Hello?’

Can’t wait.


They stated they are making more changes along with this no? We have higher HP pools for one and they are supposed to be tuning things differently so that’s not an issue. I’d calm down a little.

On beta, tanks are getting absolutely schmelted. Prepatch is in 4 days. I really doubt they’re going to fix this before live.

Prepatch is irrelevant, and there is time after launch before S1 starts.

This is what I’m worried about though, idk why they waited so long to make a change like this.

“Prepatch is Irrelevant”

I’m sure some people would like to run dungeons to try out/get to know the talent changes and would appreciate not getting instagibbed by trash.


Everyone wants to feel that they have a purpose and a place. If you loved tanking but they changed things slowly over time so that you eventually weren’t necessary. Wouldn’t you want that fixed? I mean they’re running 20’s with no healer ffs. Something had to be done.

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Yeah, but they didn’t have to take a sledgehammer to the problem overnight.

And they didn’t have to wait until what again, a scant few weeks before a brand new expansion?

Like, from the reports we’re getting, it’s obvious this is NOT ready for Live, but… well, Live is only 4 days away. Like who thought this was a good idea?

I’m pretty sure that most sane people agree that something needed done…

But a house renovation room by room would be better than just C4-ing the whole building.


They’re just not. Noone is running 20s without a healer. Rio tracks data when the key starts, not ends. If it looks like 4 DPS, I promise that is for a single massive pull where any mistake would mean a dead key anyway, but they’re swapping to a heal spec after that pull.

But, it’s still summer. Sure, fall is in 4 days and winter is only a month away, but we promise you’ll have 4 walls, a roof, electrical, plumbing, and heating before temps drop below freezing. Don’t worry.


So to continue the analogy, you think it’s OK if I have to camp outside in the weather, as long as it’s above freezing, like who cares if I’m getting rained on and the temps get down into the 50s and 40s before you have the house built back up?

(IE, maybe I wanted to do some dungeon runs with the new talents between Prepatch and TWW launch and prefer if it wasn’t completely fricken borked)

EDIT: I mean, WTF do we have PTR for? I thought PTR was for testing this crap before it goes Live? Doing this a couple weeks before Live and releasing a half-baked overhaul onto Live is basically turning Live into PTR. I’m not paying $15/mo to play PTR.

Hats off to the people who willingly play broken content on PTR, but… those of us who want to play the fully polished stuff want stuff to actually work.

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You didn’t watch Dragonflight MDI then. They sure did run 20’s with no healer in front of the world.

Well, to be fair, isn’t MDI like the “best of the best”?

It’s not like average players are doing 20s with no healers.

And I hate it when they break content on a whim because of what some pros are doing in e-sports that I don’t give a rat’s behind about.

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In season 3. Those 20s are not this season’s 20s, lol.

In the current system, tanks do need the other party members (only mythic +, btw, everything else is a joke)but not directly, only indirectly. This is kind of a problem. It really enforces more of a “single player” mindset on the tank because they are extremely self sufficient. These changes likely will decrease the # of people playing the role, in an already sparse role, but they are needed, IMO.

Dps need healers to stay alive, healers (and tank) need dps so a M+ takes 30 minutes instead of 2 hours.

Give my post a re-read, I really thought the sarcasm would be obvious. My bad.

I know. Its still the same

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