Tanks don't want to rely on healers

This is the entire point of tank mitigation tools. Those tools are designed (in theory) to take the pressure off of healers. The issue, however, has been the sudden spikes of damage that can’t be effectively mitigated or healed through. This is why tanks like Vengeance have been so popular, because Vengeance can kite way more effectively than other tanks and can effectively avoid many of those spikes of near instant kill damage.

TWW philosophy seems to be centered around getting rid of those large spikes of huge damage in favor of having the healers healing the tanks more often. Having a tank go from 100% to 25%, blowing a huge heal to get them to 80% only to have them go back down to 15% right after isn’t very fun for the healers. Instead Blizzard seems to be trying to bring back more steady damage over a period of time that the healers heal instead of huge spikes that “yo-yos” the tanks health.

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Nah I dont want tanks pulling 7 groups and just standing there while the group is getting annihilated with the death loop.

clearly you’re queuing for those +15 keys, duh!

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Fans of MMORPGs.

My thing is not so much tanks, but some of the dps that have way too many survival abilities, walls and self heals. It affects both pve AND pvp. Watching fury warriors 3rd in healing a bg is a little much.

I dont mind tanks being self sufficient, it allows me to focus on non-mechanic, non-interupting dps who on care about being top dps rather than mechanics.

More importantly, healers are hating healing right now. Why take something that we already consider STRESSFUL WORK and then, make it worse?

Are we getting our healing buffed to compensate? Cause if not, you devs arent gonna like the results when people log off. Pvp is already an imbalanced mess, dont make pve as bad.


Might as well try to force my cat to do a PhD dissertation on the superiority of dogs as pets.


Considering we have no other option, what else would you hope for?

Right now tanks are getting absolutely decimated on beta. ‘But, that’s only beta’, you counter. Prepatch drops in 5 days. Do you think this is going to be fixed in 5 days?


I suppose I’d hope they realize they’ve got almost no chance of hitting the target they need to for this to work and revert until they can actually have it tested and all the adjustments made before going live. Maybe bump it to midnight.


I hope they revert tank nerfs. Bad idea to nerf this role for everyone involved. If anything they should be buffing threat generation


you realize tank buffs aren’t the only solution to the issue? You could gut mob damage instead.

And how does this change things? DPS can pull stuff and live.

Tanks can be unkillable gods, and dps can act like they don’t need tanks. (They already do that in content they out gear, but what if it was current?)

This will make it so groups don’t need tanks for 5 man bosses, which I don’t think is inherently a bad thing.

Spoken like a true newb healer. You haven’t been healing long enough and throughout the years. Stop, just stop the whinning.

Not a noob healer. Healing spiky damage on the party at every second is miserable


True, and dumping a single heal over and over into a single health bar is equally miserable and a dozen times more boring.


I’ll make sure I stock up on bandages so I can fix a tanks booboo between pulls.

As a Healer I kinda like it. Part of what I really enjoy of M+ is the communication for externals and such. Pugging it definitely is more of a hassle but I track tank cds and supplement anyways. Tanks rely on healers in high end content already so I personally don’t see it as anything super new.

But if every fight is like Khajin, it would be dreadfully boring.

rubbish . yes dps and healers take damage but nowhere near what tanks take. Go back to when teh balance was right where raid comp in a ten man was 2 tanks 3 healers and 5 dps . 2 of healers healed a tank eack and teh other the dps and other healers , later in the tier when you had bosses on farm and werre more geared teh second tank healer was changed to DPS . this scaled up to 25 man where you had 5 healers -2 1/5on tanks and 2 1/2 on DPS . In dungeons tehhealer was around 70 % heals on tank and 30% on rest of group .

Tanks still had to use their Kit ( which did include kiting -a lost art these days ) Tank DPS was minimal and Healer DPS ( except for Disc ) was vertually non existant .

this system worked well for years and is still teh best .

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Is that you Walter Sobchak?


DPS already rely on healers. This isn’t anything new. Saying tanks should not is just a design choice like any other. The degree to which a tank needs external healing is a knob that can be tuned.

Better discussion: how should the knob be tuned and do we trust Blizzard to tune it well, according to their stated principles?

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