Tanks don't want to rely on healers

You’ve simply gummed up the conversation in so much BS, that I’d have to spend a serious time addressing the points. My question to you is, do you actually have the credentials to make that argument worth my time? Can you prove to me that you know what you’re talking about and have an alternative perspective, or can I trust that I’m a higher end player with better context? Make me care about your opinion, please.

LOL wow. you tanks are outa control.


If somebody puts 4 loaded paragraphs in front of me that I totally disagree with, about content I have legitimate expertise in, and I’d need to write more than a full page to dispute the points, I need to know that the argument is in good faith, coming from a credible source.

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dude this is a video game LOL geez


I don’t foresee this change having that effect. Personally I just expect to see slightly higher numbers as the tank’s lost health is replenished through healing rather than soaked by their shield or restored by their self heals.

The people acting like the sky is falling have a recency bias problem by route of SL S1 (ignoring the years of tanks requiring heals prior to that) or are just catastrophizing.


I won’t lie, this is 100% my concern. SL S1 was miserable and I don’t want to face that kite meta again.

On top of that, I have 0 faith that blizz is going to tune appropriately considering the timeframe they’ve given themselves to do so. So given that, I see a lot of kiting in my future and that chafes. badly. jimmies thouroughly rustled.


It’ll always come back with being the healers fault. This expansion will be rough on both healers and tanks

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You really love to pretend that is the case, when the actual request is tanks wanting to be able to tank.

what are you talking about? it’s going to be the healers fault more so now than it ever was in the recent past when the tank dies. The entire point of this change is taking agency away from the tanks and putting it on the healers.


I don’t think your worries are unfounded. I’m just willing to give it a shot and see how it works out and I do feel like tanks are currently far too in control of things.

I don’t need to prove anything to you. You either engage with the points presented or you don’t. It’s no skin off my back whether you believe me or not, but what you’re engaging in is 100% a deflection on your part. You clearly disagree with the premise of what I’m saying, so I don’t know why posting on my main or on my Classic alt makes all the difference. If I’m wrong, then tell me why I am. It’s the same person behind the screen either way.

In the time you’ve spent discrediting me, you probably could have come up with a response.

These tiny weekly dungeon tunings they’ve been doing on beta aint it. While the tuning done today to City of Threads is great there is no way sept 10th is enough time at this rate. There is still so many problematic mechanics on beta still.


So why they’re are playing group content in first place?
The purpose of a group activity is every member of the group do their part to help everyone and get the task done. Relying on each other is literally the main point of it. If these tanks don’t want it, they are playing the wrong content, they should do solo content or play single player games.

Also this would push demon hunters again into being the best tanks just like SL S1

As a healer this doesn’t sound fun. Been playing a lot of sham lately and throughly enjoy competing with tanks in damage on pulls. Just spamming massive heals constantly sounds mundane. And my only instant cast is riptide… small heal.

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Funny because when i was doing DOTI in M+ ( Fall ) ( Rise sucked and had nothing of value ) i would pull up to the first boss and someone would STILL pull the boss if i did not. I would ALWAYS pull the max packs my stats could handle and someone would ALWAYS assume they should pull another pack.

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I’m not sure why you assume that I even do qued content. So if do run double digit keys, would that make me qualified to state my opinion?

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There is a big difference between relying on each other to succeed, and relying on the healer to do basic sustain on damage intake that tanks have been doing on their own for 4+ expansions in order to not fall apart. Tanks currently rely on healers in content across the board that is not in the ‘designed for 100% success rate’ bracket, and tanks rely on DPS to kill mobs and bosses. We currently have a good balance of role responsibility for tanks to heals/dps, the problem is that healers got repeatedly nerfed and damage spikes on dps emphasized. Fixing that fixes the balance of each role, not making tanks reliant on constant healer upkeep while leaving massive DPS spike damage, as they are currently.

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Nothing like having a kite meta after they removed the bonus range from melee. Not only that, Outlaw aoe practically only really worked because of it’s range bonus, which was removed.

Only the stable geniuses at Blizzard entertainment, folks lol.


no, you don’t understand why people say healers need to DPS

first of all, literally nobody, i meant it, literally nobody is saying healers need to do damage INSTEAD of healing, again literally nobody - just as a disclaimer

secondly; healers have downtime and simply don’t need to be spending every gcd the entire dungeon healing, which only increases as people use CC and defensives correctly - no other role or person in the game is allowed to be “afk” for periods

finally: a healer doing some damage is a sign of good player, it’s incredibly ‘easy’ to fit damage in your healing rotation unless you’re specifically setting up ramps in high end keys/raids in specific windows, otherwise you have the time and opportunity to do some damage

if a healer is not doing damage, they are objectively a bad player, they don’t have the headspace to be trying to be useful to the group and if they can’t even do some damage, i sure as hell don’t trust them to use utility, CC or in general have the skill to meet healing checks

as you said, them doing damage is objectively almost meaningless by itself, but what it translates to for the group’s success is unignorable