Tanks don't want to rely on healers

No, it’s going to make healers the point of failure almost always by removing tank agency.

This assumes that players are willing to change thier ways. Sometimes not so easy.

“Dude, this is the 4th wipe letʻs try something different!”
“NooOoo! It worked before and it will work NOW! Just get GUD!”

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We didn’t. I just feel like you want to argue with me LOL.

So I’m gonna just leave you alone…


Why would I want to argue when I said ‘cool we agree’?

Weird, man.

Arrr… The only accord I want to see is an accordion. :accordion:

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“The majority” when it comes to M+ float in the +2-+10 range currently. When I speak about “the majority” of M+ players I’m talking about the 30-40% of total players that engage with the content at all. The experience of the 5% that push above the reward range isn’t really a concern for them.

I’ve already said this change isn’t going to have an impact on leveling dungeons or even queued heroics.

So, once again, strawman is a strawman.

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Dreadnoughts fan? Pirate accordion music goes kinda hard.

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I was actually thing of Alestorm but I don’t think they use accordions.

Alestorm’s fun, too. I don’t know if they’ve used an accordion in any of their songs.

Korpiklaani might have, they were always wacky.

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I’ll repeat what I’ve saying before.

They shouldn’t have changed how tanking worked in the first place so we wouldn’t be having this problem now.

It’s less fun for tanks that their survival is in the healers hands and not their own.

But it has been very not fun that to compensate the increase tank survivability, the damage profiles had to go absolutely insane to threaten everyone else, which saw an increase of DPS defenses, which caused them to make the damage profiles worse.

I don’t know if this is the right solution long term, but at some point something had to give somewhere and more importantly the design of the game has to change as well or it’s not going to matter anyway.


You ever check out techno bagpipe?


I have today.

A minute in and I’m digging it.

A lot.

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This really isn’t true in the slightest.

Healers are not the lowest skill floor. They never have been, which is why it’s so hard to find healers but easier to get a tank or a DPS. They’re the one role in this game where resource management actually matters. They have to pay attention to their mana and CDs while also managing the health of the entire group or else the group dies. Atop that, they’re even expected to do damage on the side, saddling them with an additional responsibility. They are literally the parents of any group.

Even worse, their role is pretty much contingent on the competency of the rest of the group. If your group doesn’t understand when and where to pop CDs for damage mitigation or how to dodge mechanics, your job just suddenly got 10x harder. Everyone in the group is doing a 5 key while you’re participating in a 10 key, but this is applicable across any group content.

A DPS can be carried. A tank can be carried by the healer, but it’s extremely unlikely for the healer to be carried at all. A healer performing at 30-40% optimal play is still probably harder than a tank or a DPS’s 70-80% optimal play. To say they have the lowest skill floor would be to admit that you’ve never healed in this game in any content.


Many words to say that you don’t truly understand the game once the rubber hits the road and content gets hard. Post on a character showing feats of strength lol.

If you can’t address the point and have to resort to discrediting, then you don’t really have a leg to stand on with this discussion. My posting on a Classic alt shouldn’t dissuade you from explaining to me why healers have the lowest skill floor. If you’ve actually healed in this game, then you should be able to refute this point with ease.


People have. You just play classic where everyone has one button.

Feel free to direct me to those points then, because I’ve yet to find any.

This is why I like ESO classes, you can build all of them to tank heal and dps all at once all on the fly. Everyone can play how they like. Wow class development has always been very tunnel vision.

You know, I wouldn’t mind Healers having to prioritize mainly the Tank. But if they do that, they should make Tanks better able to hold Aggro. I main a Brewmaster Monk, but even besides me every Tank I see seems to lose aggro for at least a few seconds because the DPS aggros it off. And if the Healer is focusing on you, the Tank, then that 2 seconds of a DPS getting damaged is not something they will have much time to heal them for.

If they could fix this, I would enjoy it a lot more.

Thank you, this is the problem here. Tanks wanting to be able to do everything while screwing the rest of the roles over with “they need each other”…it’s total crap.

They want this game to be GW2 and ESO…then go play those games??